Electronics & Communications Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department aims to provide a program of high quality to produce creative technocrats who can address the challenges of a new century and excel at an international level in order to enhance global prosperity by fostering technology worldwide. The department is offering technology oriented courses and creating manpower in the strategic areas well compatible with the industrial expectations.
Electronics & Communication Engineering deals with electronic devices, circuits, communication equipments, integrated circuits. It also deals with basic electronics, analog and digital transmission & reception of data, voice and video transmission signal processors, microprocessors & controllers, satellite & optical communication, microwave engineering, antenna and wave propagation. It aims to deepening the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work.
The department offers B. Tech. program in Electronics and Communication Engineering and M. Tech. program in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
B.tech Electronics & Communication Engineering
Total seats : 30
To groom engineers with problem-solving skills in electronics & communication engineering.
M1: To impart technical knowledge through blended teaching-learning process.
M2: To promote life skills through value based education to face the challenges in industry
M3: To encourage research, consultancy and projects.
PEO1: Students will have a solid foundation in mathematics, scientific and engineering fundamentals required in solving challenging problems in the field of electronics & communication engineering.
PEO2: Students will be transformed as professionals with ethical and human values.
PEO3: Students will be competent for lifelong learning and research in emerging technological areas.
PSO1: Demonstrate knowledge and skills
Demonstrate knowledge and skills to analyze problems in electronic circuits and systems for communication, embedded and signal processing applications.
Competence in specialized software tools useful for the analysis and design of electronic systems.
Adapt to the changing needs of industry and society by demonstrating interpersonal skills and teamwork to develop electronic systems abiding professional ethics and societal responsibilities for a sustainable future.
PSO2: Competence in specialized software tools
PSO3: Adaptability for sustainable future
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
- An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
- An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economical, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability
- An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
- An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
- An ability to communicate effectively
- An ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
- A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
- A knowledge of contemporary issues
- An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
- An ability to do research activities in various areas like VLSI, Embedded systems, Signal processing, Communication etc.
- An ability to use softwares and equipments to analyze and interpret engineering problems.
- Phase portrait for high fidelity feature extraction and classification: A surrogate approach, Renjini A, Vimal Raj, M S Swapna, S Sreejyothi, and S Sankararaman, Chaos, 30, 113122 (2020), 10.1063/5.0020121.
- Neural net pattern recognition-based auscultation of croup cough and pertussis using phase portrait features, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, S Sreejyothi, and S Sankararaman, Chinese Journal of Physics, 72, 214-222 (2021), 10.1016/j.cjph.2021.05.002.
- Graph-based feature extraction and classification of wet and dry cough signals: a machine learning approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, and S Sankararaman, Journal of Complex Networks, 6, 1-11 (2021), 10.1093/comnet/cnab039.
- Power Spectral Fractal Dimension and Wavelet Features for Mammogram Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, Babatunde S Emmanuel, and S Sankararaman, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 32(2), 419-428, 10.1134/S105466182202016X.
- Complex network-based pertussis and croup cough analysis: A machine learning approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, K Satheesh Kumar, and S Sankararaman, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 433, 133184, 1-8 (2022), 10.1016/j.physd.2022.133184.
- Fractal and Time-series Analyses based Rhonchi and Bronchial Auscultation: A Machine Learning Approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, S Sreejyothi, and S Sankararaman, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 15(21), 1041-1051 (2022), 10.17485/IJST/v15i21.627.
- Time series and mel frequency analyses of wet and dry cough signals: A neural net classification, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, and S Sankararaman, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 626, 129039 (2023). 10.1016/j.physa.2023.129039.
- Graph features-based classification of bronchial and pleural rub sound signals: The potential of complex network unwrapped, Renjini A, M S Swapna, and S Sankararaman, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 1 – 13, (2024). 10.1007/s13246-024-01455-4.
- Phase portrait for high fidelity feature extraction and classification: A surrogate approach, Renjini A, Vimal Raj, M S Swapna, S Sreejyothi, and S Sankararaman, Chaos, 30, 113122 (2020), 10.1063/5.0020121.
- Neural net pattern recognition-based auscultation of croup cough and pertussis using phase portrait features, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, S Sreejyothi, and S Sankararaman, Chinese Journal of Physics, 72, 214-222 (2021), 10.1016/j.cjph.2021.05.002.
- Graph-based feature extraction and classification of wet and dry cough signals: a machine learning approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, and S Sankararaman, Journal of Complex Networks, 6, 1-11 (2021), 10.1093/comnet/cnab039.
- Power Spectral Fractal Dimension and Wavelet Features for Mammogram Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, Babatunde S Emmanuel, and S Sankararaman, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 32(2), 419-428, 10.1134/S105466182202016X.
- Complex network-based pertussis and croup cough analysis: A machine learning approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, K Satheesh Kumar, and S Sankararaman, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 433, 133184, 1-8 (2022), 10.1016/j.physd.2022.133184.
- Fractal and Time-series Analyses based Rhonchi and Bronchial Auscultation: A Machine Learning Approach, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, S Sreejyothi, and S Sankararaman, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 15(21), 1041-1051 (2022), 10.17485/IJST/v15i21.627.
- Time series and mel frequency analyses of wet and dry cough signals: A neural net classification, Renjini A, M S Swapna, Vimal Raj, and S Sankararaman, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 626, 129039 (2023). 10.1016 / j.physa. 2023.129039.
- Graph features-based classification of bronchial and pleural rub sound signals: The potential of complex network unwrapped, Renjini A, M S Swapna, and S Sankararaman, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 1 – 13, (2024). 10.1007/s13246-024-01455-4.
Department is equipped with smart class rooms and well equipped laboratories, containing state of the art equipment, have been set up to enable the students to undergo their practical classes. the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering constitutes of following labs:
This lab lays the foundation stone for students, which is a pre requisite for gaining basic knowledge in electronics. The major equipment in the lab includes Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multi Output Power Supply and Soldering stations.
This lab bestows in-depth concepts of digital electronics and train students with all the equipment to improve their basic knowledge. The major equipment in the lab includes Digital Trainer Kit, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multi Output Power Supply, Analog & Digital IC Tester.
This lab mainly introduces the theoretical & practical aspects of Operational amplifiers, which is the cornerstone for the basics of linear integrated circuits. The major equipment in the lab includes Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multi Output Power Supply, Analog & Digital IC Tester.
This lab imparts strong foundation on analog and digital communication systems. The major equipment in the lab includes Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multi Output Power Supply, Digital IC Tester, Digital Trainer Kit.
This lab also provides knowledge for students regarding, the architecture of 8051 Microprocessors, Micro51LC controller and Assembly Language Programs using the instruction sets of processors and to study the interfacing of the processor with various peripheral devices. The major equipments in the lab includes Computer, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 8051 Trainer kit, Microcontroller Trainer kit and Function Generator
This lab provides space for students to place their theoretical ideas before the real world and also foundation on modern analog and digital communication systems and simulations. The major equipment in the lab includes Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multi Output Power Supply, Analog & Digital IC Tester and Computer.
This lab is equipped for familiarizing students with Microwave and Optical communication techniques relevant for most modern communication systems. The major equipment in the lab includes Klystron Power Supply, Klystron Tube, Gun Power Supply, Gun Oscillator, PIN Modulator, VSWR Meter, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Function Generator, LED module, Photo diode module, Laser diode unit, APD module, LD modulator, Optical fiber communication trainer kit, Laser diode and glass fiber optic trainer Kit, Optical Power meter with Power Supply.
Text books of national and international authors in the area of Mathematics, Signal Processing, Microprocessors, Electromagnetic theory, Power electronics, Computers, VLSI Engineering, Neural Networks etc., are available in our Department Library. The Library has back up volumes of the previous year’s seminar reports, and project reports for students’ reference.
Smart Blood Bank
Arjun Uday(S7/ECE), Bharath Jyothi(S7/ECE), Karishma K Suresh(S7/ECE),and Parvathy R L Nair(S7/ECE) secured 1st prize for the event RBS AIMS-Best Innovations (for ‘Smart Blood Bank’)at ITIHA 2016,the intercollegiate techno-cultural fest of RIET held from 25th to 27th February 2016.
3rd position in ‘Electrothermia’
Sudheesh S P (S8/ECE), Akhil Raj (S8/ECE), and Nasif Binshad (S8/ECE) are secured 3rd position in ‘Electrothermia’ in connection with Crossroads 2016 at MBCET, from 4th-6th March,2016.
1, Short term training program on Soft Computing Techniques and Application in Electrical Engineering, Mar Baselious College of Engineering and Technology TVM, 20/4/15 to 24/4/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Krishnapriya T.Nair
2, Seminar on Antenna Arrays &Transmission Lines, CET-IEEE Antennas Propagation Society, Kerala Chapter TVM, 28/04/2015, Inter college, Faculty attended: Renjini.A,, Ratheesh I,, Nandu.B
3, KTU PG Cluster Workshop, TVM, 29/04/2015, Inter college, Faculty attended: Christin Markose, Krishnapriya.T.Nair
4, Workshop on Engineering Education Need from Paradigm Shift, The Institute of Engineers (India) TVM, 04/07/2015, Inter college, Faculty attended: Krishnapriya T. Nair
5, FDP Programme on Information System Security, CET,TVM, 22/6/15 to 26/6/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Lekshmylal P.L
6, Seminar on THZ Technology Current Scenario and Future Trends Organised by Dept of Avionics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, TVM, 07/09/2015, Inter college, Faculty attended: Renjini.A
7, Workshop on Microsoft Saksham Training, Mar Baselious College of Engineering and Technology TVM, 7/09/2015 to 12/09/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Nandu.B
8, IOT Workshop, National Institute of Electronics &Information Technology (NIELIT) Calicut, 17/9/15 to 18/9/15, Inter college. Faculty attended: Ramu.R
9, FDP Programme on Inforemation System Security, CET,TVM, 22/6/15 to 26/6/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Lekshmylal.P.L
10, Seminar on THZ Technology Current Scenario and Future Trends Organised by Dept of Avionics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology,Valiamala,TVM, 07/09/2015, Inter college, Faculty attended: Renjini.A
11, Workshop on Microsoft Saksham Training, Mar Baselious College of Engineering and Technology TVM, 7/9/2015 to 12/9/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Nandu.B
12, IOT Workshop, National Institute of Electronics &Information Technology (NIELIT) Calicut, 17/9/15to 18/9/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Ramu.R
13, Seminar on THZ Technology Current Scenario and Future Trends Organised by Dept of Avionics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, TVM, 07/09/2015, Inter college, Faculty attended: Renjini.A
14, Workshop on Microsoft Saksham Training, Mar Baselious College of Engineering and Technology TVM, 7/9/2015 to 12/9/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Nandu.B
15, IOT Workshop, National Institute of Electronics &Information Technology (NIELIT) Calicut, 17/9/15to 18/9/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Ramu.R
16, FDP Program on Self awareness & Integral education, Bioinformatics Centre, Kariavattom Campus, Kerala University, TVM, 24/11/15to 27/11/15, Inter college. Faculty attended: Christin Markose
17, FDP Program on Speech Signal Processing, College of Engineering, Kidangoor, 14/12/15to 18/12/15, Inter college, Faculty attended: Christin Markose
18, Workshop on Advanced Nano-Scale Device Design using TCAD, College of Engineering, Chengannur, 28/12/15 to 30/12/15, Inter college,. Faculty attended: Suchithra.S.Nair
19, Short term training program on Research Issues & Emerging trends in Control & Automation Engg, College of Engineering, Karunagappally, 13/01/16 to 17/01/16, Inter college Faculty attended: Krishnapriya T.Nair
20, Workshop on Embedded System, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam, 16/06/16 to 17/06/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Lekshmylal P.L
21, Seminar on ICTAK International Conclave, Technopark, TVM, 24/06/16 to 25/6/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Ramu.R
22, Seminar on ICTAK International Conclave, RIET, TVM, 04/07/16,05/07/16;08/07/16, Intra college, Faculty attended: Ramu.R, Tess Mathew, Suchithra.S.Nair, Krishnapriya.
23, Short term training program on ‘Advancements in Optical Communication’, LBSITW,TVM, 18/7/16 to 20/7/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Tess Mathew
24, FDP Program on Lifeskill Devolpment organised by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University with ICT Academy, YCET, Kollam, 18/7/16to 22/7/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Praseeda.P.Krishnan
25, Workshop Buildind up societal Innovations, Institution of Engineers, Kerala State Centre,TVM, 26/07/2016, Inter college, Faculty attended: Ratheesh I
26, FDP Program on Recent Trends in Biomedical Image &Signal Processing, TKM,KOLLAM, 21/07/16 to 27/07/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Ramu.R
27, One day FDP on Digital Learning, TCS, Technopark, TVM, 27/07/2016, Inter college, Faculty attended: Tess Mathew, Krishnapriya.T.Nair
28, FDP Program on Essentials of Mathematics, KTU,TVM, 28/11/16 to3/11/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Christin Markose
29, Workshop on collaborative Research Challenges, Approaches & Opportunities, TPLC,GEC Barton Hill, TVM, 01/12/16to 03/12/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Krishnapriya T.Nair
30, FDP Program on ‘Fundamentals of Communication’, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, 28/11/16to 03/12/16, Inter college, Faculty attended: Tess Mathew
31, Workshop on Sci lab, CET,TVM, 04/02/2017, Inter college, Faculty attended: Christin Markose
32, Workshop on Recent Trends in VLSI Design, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, 03/01/2017 to 07/01/2017, Inter college, Faculty attended: Dr. Anuroop.R.V
1.Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an ”IPR OUTREACH PROGRAM PLASMA EXHIBITION” by Institute for Plasma Research (IPR} Gandhinagar, Gujarat on 11th -15th September 2023.
1. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a one day workshop on ” PCB DESIGNING AND PROTOTYPING” on 24 th March 2023.
2. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and IEEE Communication Society conducted a 2 day workshop on “Arduino” on 15 th-16 th March 2024.
3. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and IEEE SB RIET conducted a workshop on “Two days hands on workshop on Machine learning using Python” by Dr Bipin V R (Professor, ASIE Technology, Kalady) as part of International Engineers week on 10/2/24 to 20/2/24.
4. A two days workshop on “Machine learning using AI” was conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on March 23 – 24, 2024.
5. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a workshop on “PROGRAMMABLE PLATFORM FOR EXPERIMENTS AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH ON SDR” on 09th June 2023.
6. RIET AICTE IDEA LAB sponsored workshop conducted in DRONE Technology on 22/09/2022 to 23/09/2022.
7. RIET AICTE Idea lab in association with RIEDC organized a Two day hands on workshop in Robotics on 12/7/2022 and 13/7/2022
8. RIET AICTE Idea lab in association with Electronics and Communication Engineering department conducted Hands on workshop on Arduino Microcontroller on 23rd, 24th and 25th March 2022
Student activities
- Arjun Uday (S7/ECE), Bharath Jyothi(S7/ECE), Karishma K Suresh (S7/ECE),and Parvathy R L Nair (S7/ECE) secured 1st prize for the event RBS AIMS-Best Innovations (for ‘Smart Blood Bank’)at ITIHA 2016,the intercollegiate techno-cultural fest of RIET held from 25th to 27th February 2016.
Students who secured RBS AIMS-Best Innovation Award, at ITIHA2K16 for their project ‘Smart Blood Bank’ (From left to right – Barath Jyothi, Arjun Uday, Parvathy R L Nair and Karishma K Suresh).
- Akshay Sajan (S8/ECE) and Renjini A (AP/ECE) got First Prize in the presentation of paper “Three Dimensional Holographic Data Storage” in the Sixth International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology (ICCCT’17), 09th to 10th March 2017.
- Krishnendu R (S7/ECE), got Second prize in Fashion show competition in ‘Natya fest’ conducted at UKF College of Engineering & Technology.
- Naveed Mohammed A J(S6/ECE) ,won first price in fashion show conducted by Heera College of Engineering and Technology and Second prize in the event Fashion show (Revels’17) conducted by UKF College of Engineering and Technology.
- Malvika Krishnan has secured Third position in the event Verbatitle(Debate) in IVANO FEST 18, The National Level inter collegiate Festconducted by Mar Ivanious College Union 2017-18.
- Anjali S (S5/ECE), Keerthana Sasi (S5/ECE), Jisha I (S5/ECE) and Athira Chandran (S5/ECE) participated in the second year Engineering category in the Indian Engineering Olympiad exam conducted on 26th February, 2017.
- Vijay Raj V (S5/ECE) has participated in the State level Workshop of GENSIS(Gender Equality through National Intervention Scheme) held at GEC , Barton Hill, Trivandrum on 4th, 5th and 6th March 2017.
- Vijay Raj V (S5/ECE) has participated in ‘Best Engineer’ held as a part of AAGNEYA’17 organized by GEC, Barton Hill, Trivandrum on 17th and 19th March 2017.
- Vijay Raj V (S5/ECE) has participated in the State level Workshop of GENSIS(Gender Equality through National Intervention Scheme) held at Government Engineering College, Kannur on 24th, 25th and 26th March 2017.
- Malvika Krishnan has participated in the districtlevel round of Fedral Bank Speak for India-Kerala Edition 2017,a state level intercollegiate debate competition.
Expert talks conducted ( 2016)
1, 11/03/16, Dr. Deepa P Gopinath, Introduction to Speech Signal Processing, Assistant Professor in ECE,CET, Students participated: 80
2, 18/07/16, Dr. Manoj B S, Complex Networks, Associate Professor Dept. of Avionics, IIST, TVM, Students participated: 45
3, 29/07/16, Dr. K B Jinesh, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Assistant Professor Dept. of Physics, IIST, TVM, Students participated: 42
4, 30/08/16, Mr. Biju .S, Assemble a Desktop PC, CMS IT SERVICES TVM, Students participated: 46
5, 01/09/16, Dr. Anoop C S, Biomedical Electronic systems, Faculty, IIST,TVM, Students participated: 40
6, 6/10/16, Mr. Rejith R, Ethical Hacking, Network Engineer Network systems. Thiruvananthapuram, Students participated: 42
7, 14/10/16, Mr. Rahul R, Embedded Systems, Network Engineer, Network systems, Thiruvananthapuram, Students participated: 55
8, 17/10/16, Mr. Anzar Azad, Rain Water Harvesting, MD, Azad contractors and traders, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, Students participated: 86
9, 27/10/16, Dr. K. Gopakumar, Signal Processing, Professor and Head TKMCE, Kollam Students participated: 62
10, 17/11/16, Dr. V P Sudheep Kumar, Optical Fibre Communication, Senior Sub Divisional Engineer, BSNL, Students participated: 92
Expert talk conducted ( 2017)
1, 21/02/17, Mr. Sundar R K, Introduction to Radiological Imaging, General Manager – GE Health care, S. Asia, Students participated: 81
2, 23/2/17, Dr. Sreelatha P, Indian Space Odyssey, Scientist, Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC, TVM, Students participated: 47
3, 03/05/17, Mr. Jebin Samuel T, Surgical Equipments and biomedical Instruments., R&D Engineer, Serwell Medi-Equip Pvt. Limited, Chennai., Students participated: 43
4, 16/03/17, Prof. Reshna, Image Processing, Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, TKMCE, Kollam, Students participated: 41
5, 20/03/17, Prof(Dr.) Imithias, Learning Controller, Professor, Dept. of EEE, TKMCE, Kollam, Students participated: 60
6, 02/05/17, Mr. Jebin Samuel T, Medical Electronics, R&D Engineer, Serwell Medi-Equip Pvt. Limited, Chennai., Students participated: Students participated: 39
7, 05/05/17, Mr. B Suresh, Road Safety Awareness, Assistant Motor Vechicle Inspector, RTD, Kudappanakunnu. TVM., Students participated: 46
8, 21/8/17, Ms. Greeshma Unni, Mrs. Neethu B S, Advanced Mobile Computing, Academic Engineer, Acuwin Global, Trivandrum, 42
9, 25/8/17, Ms. Thara, Learn and Learn, Manager,ASAP, Students participated: 25
10, 11/10/17, Mr. Ravi S, Embedded Systems, Engineer, EDA Livewire, Chennai, Students participated: 19
Expert talk conducted (2018)
1, 09/01/2018 (2.30 pm to 4.20 pm), Dr. S. Jyothi Sankar ITS, Communication Scenario in Kerala, General Manager, Kerala Telecom Circle, BSNL, Students participated: 30
2, 23/02/2018 -10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Miss.Anuja, Computer Networking, Network Systems, Trivandrum, Students participated: 35
3, 03/04/2018 – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Mr. Binson V A, An Overview on Industrial Automation and Control, AP in AEI
Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Students participated: 41
4, 10/10/ 2018 – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Mr. Ajith Anwar, Ethical Hacking, Technical Leader, Network Systems, Trivandrum, Students participated: 38
Expert talk conducted (2019)
1, 21/02/2019 – 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm, Mr. Vinod, Biomedical Engineering, Engineer F, SCTIMST, Trivandrum, Students participated: 30
2, 03/03/2019 – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Dr. Rajeevan P P, Power Electronics, Associate Professor, IIST, Trivandrum, Students participated: 35
3, 12/03/2019- 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Ms. Maneesha Vishal, Motivating Young Minds, Freelance Trainer, India Events Services, Trivandrum, Students participated: 41
4, 12/03/2019 02:30 am to 04.:00pm, Mr. Prasanth, Career and Motivation, Freelance Trainer, India Events Services, Trivandrum, Students participated: 41
Expert talk conducted (2022)
Expert talk on “patent filing” by Mr Praveen Raj on 09-06-2022, Thursday 10:30 AM
Training programmes organized by department (2022)
The department organized a Three day hands-on workshop on Aurdino UNO Microcontroller from 23rd to 25th March 2022. 39 students and 4 faculty members attended.
Placement (2022)
Muhammed Shah – as Trainee-Associate Application Engineer, Gapblue Software Labs Pvt Ltd, with 3,00,000/ per annum.
Nesba Sahir – as Trainee at Speridian Technologies with 3,00,000/ per annum.
FDP Attended by faculty (2021)
- Dr. Jolly Rajendran attended three day faculty development programme on “IoT Autonomous Robot design” from 28th to 30th April 2021 organised by Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur.
- Prof. Nandu B attended five day ATAL academy offline elementary FDP on “IDEA LAB FDP” from 22nd to 26th September 2021.
- Dr Anchana P Belmon participated in second training school/workshop on “Environmental Cyber Physical Sytems by INDO-South Korea joint network center, IIT Indore & IIT Varanasi from 25th to 29th October 2021
- Dr. Jolly Rajendran, Prof. Anupama J Nair, Prof. Praseeda P Krishnan & Prof. Chinchu Venugopal participated in five day FDP on “Recent research trends in Biomedical Engineering” organized by department of biomedical engineering, TKI, Kollam from 22nd to 27th July 2021.
- Prof. Chinchu Venugopal attended AICTE sponsored one week online short term training programme on “innovation & Challenges in Industry 4.0 Automation & Smart Manufacturing” from 26th to 31st July 2021 at KHIT Andra Pradesh.
- Dr. Jolly Rajendran participated in ATAL Academy online elementary FDP on “Signal Processing for 5G Algorithms & implementation from 9th to 13th August 2021 at IIT Goa
Expert Talk delivered by faculty
Dr Anchana P Belmon delivered an invited talk on “Closed loop control systems in biomedical systems” on 16/03/2022 at St. Peter’s Institute of higher eduation and research, Chennai.
Faculty Achievements
Dr. Anchana P Belmon got “special mention” prize in Art of teaching competition organized by G.Tech.
- Nasif Binshad – Software Engineer, QuEST Global Engineering Services Pvt Ltd. (EC 2016)
- Divyalekshmi S. – Service Management Analys (EC 2016)
- Sen Sahir – Associate Consultant – Infosys (EC 2016)
- Jinju Naman – Senior Proj Coordinator + Proj Manager, Centresource (Carnival Infopark).(EC 2016)
- Adhithyae G. – Senior Robotics Engineer, Allianz Technology (EC 2016)
- Dani Dileep – Design Engineer, NEST (EC 2016)
- Amit – Software Engineer, HCL Technologies Ltd. (EC 2019)
- Megha Mahendran – Programmer Analyst, Cognizant Technology (EC 2018)
- Nawrin – Systems Engineer, Infosys (2020)
- Praveen – Systems Engineer, Infosys (2020)
- Gayathri- UV Systems Engineer, Infosys (2021)
- Abhishek Mohan – Quest Global Technopark (2017)
- Arjun Uday – TCS,Chennai (2017)
- Akshay Sajan – UST Global,TVM (2017)
- Megha J M -R R D,Technopark (2017)
- Harikrishnan G G – Veto Publications (2017)
- Jaifal Fasel – R R Donnelly,Technopark (2017)
- Jhansi AS – R R Donnelly,Technopark (2017)
- Neeraj R – UST Global,Banglore (2017)
- Sai Krishna S – Promptec Renewable Energy Solutions Pvt.Ltd, Banglore (2017)
- Sanjay Nair – Allianz, Technopark (2017)
- Vineeth S – BEL, Banglore (2017)
- Aju S Mohan – Tezla Solutions (2016)
- Akhil Raj – Candour Auto tech,TVM (2016)
- Anjana Anilkumar – Allianz, Technopark (2016)
- Sandeep Nair – R R Donnelly,Technopark (2016)
- Anoop Raj – Radview/ECSfin, TVM (2016)
- Divyalekshmi S – HCL, Hyderabad (2016)
- Jalba Jaleel – Radview (2016)
- Jasmine Shibly – Informap Technology Center, Sharjah (2016)
- Jinju N G – Radview (2016)
- Nasif Binshad – Candour Auto tech, TVM (2016)
- Bharathkrishna – Radview (2016)
- Reshma G – HCL, Hyderabad (2016)
- Habeebath H – HCL, Hyderabad (2016)
- Reshmi P Dev – Radview (2016)
- Rincy Kunjumon – Activelobby Information Systems Pvt.Ltd, Kochi (2016)
- Simi Symon – IBS (2016)
- Volga A S – HLL (2016)
- Abhilash K Sudarsan – Argon Global,Doha – 2016 (M.Tech)
- Niju – Klystron Tech – 2016 (M.Tech)
- Varsha Viswam – RIET
- REMA B. RAVI – Executive, BSH Household Appliances and Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd (Rs. 550,000 per annum)
- ANJALI KRISHNA – Software Engineer, SEQATO Software Pvt. Ltd (Rs. 240,000 per annum)
- GAYATRI – System Engineer, Infosys (Rs. 430,000 per annum)
Recent Placement/Higher Studies Details (ECE):
- Ms. Arya Vinayan, Ms. Binta Binoy, Ms.Sherly R, Ms. Swaralaya P., Ms. Aiswarya G Kumar and Mr. Soorya Dev S.S. of the 2020-24 ECE Batch got placed as Production Trainees at Schneider Electric, Bangalore.
- Ms. Aavani S. L. of 2019-23 ECE Batch got placed as Internship trainee at UST Global.
- Ms. Akhilendu J. N. of 2019-23 ECE Batch got placed as Trainee Engineer at Quest Global.
- Ms. Gouri Chandran of 2019-23 ECE Batch got placed at Allianz Technology.
- Mr. Arjun S of 2019-23 ECE Batch got placed at Thinksynz Solutions.
- Mr. Oswalt K Sunny of 2019-23 ECE Batch got admission to M.E. Electronics at RMIT University Australia.
- Mr. Muhammed Shah H of the 2018-22 ECE Batch got placed as Associate Applications Engineer at Gapblue Software Labs Pvt. Ltd.,Kochi.
- Ms. Nesba Sahir of the 2018-22 ECE Batch got placed as Trainee Associate at Speridian Technologies.
- Ms. Adheela H and Mr. Karthik V of the 2018-22 ECE Batch got placed as Software Engineer at UST Global.
- Ms. Archana Sreekumar of the 2018-22 ECE Batch got admission to M.S. in Biomedical Engineering at U.K.
- Ms. Sruthy Sudheer of the 2018-22 ECE Batch got admission to M.S. in Electrical and
- Information Technology in Germany
This platform will be an exposure to the nurturing of teaching and other academic skills of the faculty. It provides an opportunity to acquire knowledge about current technological developments in irrelevant fields. It will not only promote the professional practices relevant to technical education but also motivate the faculty to achieve a competitive teaching and learning environment, thus channelizing development with respect to academic qualifications and personal matters.
The Department congratulates Parvathy Prathap for publishing a paper in SCI indexed Q1 journal, Multimedia Tools and Applications.
The Department congratulates Renjini A for successfully defending her doctoral thesis on “Tracheobronchial Signal Processing and Machine Learning-based Classification: A Multipronged Approach using Fractal, Time series and Complex network Analyses”.
The Department of ECE congratulates Renjini A for being the Reviewer for Springer Nature Scientific Reports in the year 2024.
Academic Year 2023 – 2024
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an expert talk on TELECOM 360 FOR CAREER/RESEARCH IN TELECOM” by Renju John, Founder Telecom 360, on 7th February 2024.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an expert talk on”AN INSIGHT INTO MOOC COURSES” by Dr Suresh Babu (Principal, RIET) on 23/11/24.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an expert talk on ”RECENT TRENDS IN MEDICAL IMAGING” by Sundar R K (Director, GE Healthcare (Australia, Korea, Asean) on 6th November 2023.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an expert talk on“INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING” by Jeena R S (Associate Professor,Dept of ECE ,GEC,Barton Hill) on 9th October 2023.
7.. Department of Electronics & communication Engineering conducted an expert talk on EMBEDDED SYSTEMS FOR IOT APPLICATIONS [PIC MID RANGE SERIES] on 30/05/2022
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a student talk on “ChatGPT” : Gateway to conversation AI on 21/11/23. The speaker was Mr. Nikhil Govind of 2020 batch ECE.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a student talk on “5G and its Applications” by Sibi S (S5 ECE) on 25th October 2023.
Academic Year 2023 – 2024
- Arjun S of 2019 – 2023 ECE has a registered startup in his account named ‘Plastom Enterprises”, which effectively deals with the recycling of plastics.
- Swaralaya P of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “Literature review on wearable health monitoring devices” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Aiswarya G Kumar of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “ Literature review on wearable health monitoring devices” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Nikhil Govind T of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “Literature review on 3D printing techniques in food technology” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Sherly R of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “A review on hydroponics and monitoring using IoT” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Arya Vinayan of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “A review on hydroponics and monitoring using IoT” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Soniya S of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “A review on hydroponics and monitoring using IoT” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Sooryadev S of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “Literature review on wearable health monitoring devices” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Binta Binoy of 2020 – 2024 batch ECE has presented a paper titled “Literature review on 3D Printing techniques in food technology” in the international conference SPICE 2K24 in Feb 2024.
- Aravind V has won first prize in Power Quiz 2023 prelims conducted by KESB in association with Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology on November 2023.
- Robin R G of 2022 – 2026 batch ECE actively participated and was the Scientific Volunteer for “The fourth state” Plasma exhibition conducted by Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology in association with Institute of Plasma Research during 11- 15 September 2023.
- Lekshmi P of 2022 – 2026 batch ECE has secured first prize in Triple jump competition held as part of the Annual sports and Games of RIET on February 2024.
- Lekshmi P of 2022 – 2026 batch ECE has secured first prize in Long jump competition held as part of the Annual sports and Games of RIET on February 2024.
- Aaromal Gireesh of 2022 – 2026 batch ECE actively participated and was the Scientific Volunteer for “The fourth state” Plasma exhibition conducted by Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology in association with Institute of Plasma Research during 11- 15 September 2023.
- Aravind V has won first prize in Independent Day Quiz conducted by IEEESB, RIET in August 2024.
- 17.Mr Arjun Kumar A (S2,2022-26 batch) has attended the workshop on AUTONOMOUS DRIVING SYSTEM AND MACHINE LEARNING conducted as part of Ragam 2023 workshop series at NIT Calicut on 12 march2023.
- 18.Ms Lekshmi P (S2,2022-26 batch) has participated in the event of poster presentation and won the second prize in the national level technical symposium 2k 22 held at Heera college of Engineering &Technology, Nedumanganad , Tvm,on 25th Nov 2022.
- 19.Ms Archana (2018-23 batch) passed the IELTS tests with overall band score of 7.
- 20.Ms Sruthy Sudheer leena(2018-23 batch)passed the IELTS tests with overall band score of 8.
- 21.Ms Gopika Sundaran(S3,2021-2025 batch )participated in inter university KHO KHO tournament organized by Alliance university, Bangalore from 23 -26 Jan 2023.
- 22.Ms Gopika Sundaran(S3,2021-2025 batch) has successfully accomplished the role of sub coordinator for the state level agent coder workshop.
- 23.Mr Bhaskar Vinod (S3,2021-2025 batch) has to his credit, the successful completion, participation and expertise in exhibiting the project in open house Expo conducted by RIET AICTE Idea Lab Attingal on 7 Dec 2022.
- 24.Mr Jishnu (S3,2021-25 batch) has to his credit, the award for his outstanding performance as coordinator in the open house expo conducted by RIET AICTE Idea Lab Attingal on 7 Dec 2022.
- 25.Adheela H has passed the degree of Bachelor of Technology (HONOURS) in Electronics & Communication Engineering in June 2022.
- 26.Gayathri S Raj has passed the degree of bachelor of technology (HONOURS) in Electronics & Communication Engineering in June 2022.
- Ms Akhilendu J N has attended the immersion boot camp held from 26 july 2021 -08 th September and also the state level evaluation of the young innovators programme 2021 conducted by the Kerala Devolpment and Innovation Strategic Council form 29 sep 2021 to 6 Nov 2021
- Project (Give a write-up why project is important to the department + Table ( Student Name + Topic + Guide
Industrial Visit
1. The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering department recently arranged an Industrial visit to ASAP Kerala where the AR VR training was done for the entire s5 and s7 students on October 2024, which was a great awareness session for the students and able to understand the opportunity and relevance of this emerging area.
2. Department of Electronics & communication Engineering and electronics association “Taures” conducted an industrial visit to ARYA Electronics Pvt Ltd om 22th March 2024.Observations made under the FCS wiring for Brahmos mobile launcher,GSLV-Flight Wiring and check out wiring system ,PSOM wiring for PSLV C20 and C35 for VSSC/ISRO etc.
3. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an industrial visit to “AUGMENTED RESEARCH YOUTH AERONAUTICAL ELECTRONICS PRIVATE LIMITED”, Nedumangad on 11th July 2023.
1. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an ”IPR OUTREACH PROGRAM PLASMA EXHIBITION” by Institute for Plasma Research (IPR} Gandhinagar, Gujarat on 11th -15th September 2023.
1. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a one day workshop on ” PCB DESIGNING AND PROTOTYPING” on 24 thMarch 2023.
2. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and IEEE Communication Society conducted a 2 day workshop on “Arduino” on 15 th-16 th March 2024.
3. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and IEEE SB RIET conducted a workshop on “Two days hands on workshop on Machine learning using Python” by Dr Bipin V R (Professor, ASIE Technology, Kalady) as part of International Engineers week on 10/2/24 to 20/2/24.
4. A two days workshop on “Machine learning using AI” was conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on March 23 – 24, 2024.
5. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a workshop on “PROGRAMMABLE PLATFORM FOR EXPERIMENTS AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH ON SDR” on 09th June 2023.
6. RIET AICTE IDEA LAB sponsored workshop conducted in DRONE Technology on 22/09/2022 to 23/09/2022.
7. RIET AICTE Idea lab in association with RIEDC organized a Two day hands on workshop in Robotics on 12/7/2022 and 13/7/2022
8. RIET AICTE Idea lab in association with Electronics and Communication Engineering department conducted Hands on workshop on Arduino Microcontroller on 23rd, 24th and 25th March 2022
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted an alumni interaction in association with “TAURES”, the alumni association of ECE on 21/11/23