Staff Policy



Groom the Youth as Innovative, Creative and Empathetic Technologists, Hospitality Professionals, Managers and Entrepreneurs for Social Transformation.


  1. M1: To encourage holistic development of students with well-balanced and student-centric curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  2. M2: To promote ethical and value-oriented teaching, research and consultancy among faculty and students for social transformation.
  3. M3: To interact with industrial organizations, governmental agencies, engineering, hospitality and business enterprises for collaborative learning.


  1. The service rules shall be called as “Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagaroor, Service Rules”.  
  2. They shall be deemed to have come into effect and shall apply to all the employees of the Institute as per their date of joining. 


  1. “Institute” mean “Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagaroor, Attingal, Trivandrum”.
  2. “Management” means “The Indira Charitable Trust”, 
  3. “Governing Body” means “The Governing Body of the Institute” constituted as per A.I.C.T.E. Norms. 
  4. “Chairman” means The Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Institute.  
  5. “University” means “APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Trivandrum, Kerala” or “University of Kerala” 
  6. “Principal” means “The Principal of the Institute or any other person authorized by the Management to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the Principal whatever may be his/her designation, otherwise”.
  7. “Director” means “Nominee of Management to look after the overall development of the Institute”. 
  8. “Employee” means a person who is employed by the Institute including Principal and excluding those who are engaged on part time basis or daily wages. 
  9. “Vacation” means any recess in an academic year, which is for a minimum period of Fifteen days. 
  10. “Vacation Staff” means employees who are allowed to avail vacation. All other employees are deemed to be “Non-Vacation staff”. 
  11. “Teaching Staff” comprises the following categories: 
  12. Principal 
  13. Vice Principal
  14. Deans 
  15. Professors 
  16. Associate Professors 
  17. Assistant Professors 
  18. Ad-hoc/Guest/Expert faculty 
  19. Any other category of post declared so by the Management. 
  1. “Technical Staff” comprises the following categories: 
  2. Workshop Superintendent/Foreman 
  3. Programmers, Asst. Programmers, Computer Operators 
  4. Technicians and Lab Assistants: 

Grade – I 
Grade – II 
Grade – III

  1. “Non – Teaching staff” means that staffs that are categorized as follows: 


  1. Administrative Officer 
  2. Accounts Officer 
  3. Superintendent 
  4. Estate Manager 
  5. Public Relations Officer
  6. Senior Assistant 
  7. Junior Assistant 
  8. P.S. to Principal 
  9. Record Assistant 
  10. Attender 
  11. Vehicle Supervisor 
  12. Construction/Maintenance Supervisor

Contingent staff 

  1. Security Officer/Security staff
  2. Canteen Manager and staff
  3. Matrons of Hostels 
  4. Gardner 
  5. House Keeping Staff. 
  1. “Competent Authority” – Chairman in the case of Principal/Vice Principal/General Manager (Administration) and Chairman/Principal/Vice Principal/General Manager (Administration) in the case of all other employees. 
  2. “Duty” – an employee is said to be on duty for the purpose of service benefits 
  3. When the employee is discharging the duties of the post to which he /she is appointed.
  4. When the employee is absent from duty on authorized holidays, on permitted vacation or when availing any leave sanctioned by the competent authority. 
  5. When the employee is attending conferences, seminars, summer schools, workshops, Refresher Courses, Orientation Courses, Winter schools, quality improvement programmes, etc., duty permitted by competent authority, and 
  6. When the employee is attending to the work assigned by the competent authority in the interest of Institute/Management. 
  7. “Leave” means leave granted by competent authority to an employee to which he/she is eligible. 
  8. “Pay‟ means basic pay with admissible dearness allowance as per Institute rules as the case may be. 
  9. “Year” means calendar year/financial year/academic year as the case may be


The staff pattern, the cadre structure and the students – staff ratio will be followed according to the norms given by AICTE/APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), Kerala.


The prescribed minimum qualifications and experience requirements for the various teaching posts will be on the norms of AICTE and KTU. For non-teaching post, requirements will be based on the Directorate of Technical Education, Kerala.


The recruitment of staff members to all cadres shall be strictly on merit and by open selection. The selection is made by a Competent Selection Committee duly constituted by the management, consisting of representatives from the Management, Administration, Department and External Experts.

The recommendations of the Committee are to be approved by the Chairman of the trust after which appointment orders will be issued. However, temporary vacancies may be filled on contract basis subject to the condition that the applicant may not be allowed to continue beyond a period of one semester / one year. This selection is again by a committee. Internal candidates will also be permitted to apply for higher posts, provided they have required qualification and experience.

The Management/Governing body may in special circumstances appoint persons by invitation/deputation/contract basis year after year up to a maximum of Five years or up to maximum age of seventy years. 

The decision of the management is final in all appointments.


The staff member at the time of joining duty in this Institution must submit the following to the Institute office / corporate office:

  • Joining Report
  • Originals of his / her educational certificates and experience certificates etc. 
  • Xerox copies of the certificates.
  • One passport size photo

(Note: Xerox copies of all credentials to be retained)

The staff shall furnish both his/her temporary / permanent address along with contact phone number/e-mail ID (if any) to the administrative office. As and when there is any change in the above address / contact phone number / e- mail ID / the same must be intimated to the administrative office immediately.


All the appointments are purely temporary until regularization and terminable without assigning any reasons therefore. The services of employees recruited against *substantive posts will be regularized after one year/two years from the date of joining.

1.5.1 Probation:

The employees whose services are regularized will be placed under probation for two years within a period of three years of continuous service. The probation period may be extended for valid reasons. The employees under probation are called as probationer.

At the end of successful completion of probation, the employees become ‘Approved Probationers’ and their services will be confirmed in the substantive post.

The Management/Governing body upon the recommendation of the Principal for valid and sufficient reasons may extend the probation period of an employee for such period as may be found necessary or terminate his/her services after due notice. The employee is deemed to have been on probation until the order declaring satisfactory completion of probation period is communicated to him, even if the stated period of probation is completed. After confirmation, the appointee shall hold the office till the age of superannuating which shall be ordinarily sixty five years in the case of teaching staff and sixty years in respect of non-teaching staff unless otherwise found unsuitable to discharge his regular duties.

If a person having been appointed temporarily to a post is subsequently appointed regularly, he/she shall commence probation from the date of joining in the regular post. The rules governing probation shall not apply to appointments made on temporary/contract/contingent basis. The services of any candidate appointed on temporary/contract basis, can be terminated at any time without any notice and without assigning any reason thereof. 


As per the University norms, the institution will fulfil minimum number of teaching days required for a semester. Work load of a teacher will be as per the AICTE norms. 


Every week, the Institute normally functions from Monday to Friday for students, i.e., five working days per week. Every day, the Institute works from 8.30 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. For the benefit of slow learners, who need extra coaching, special classes may be conducted from 4.30 to 5.30 p.m. every day as planned by the faculty members or/and on Saturdays. 


  1. All teaching and non-teaching staff members shall register attendance in the computer (biometric) before the reporting time (8.30 a.m.) and at the end of the Institute (4.00 p.m.) on all working days. They also sign the attendance register kept in department both in forenoon and afternoon sessions.
  2. The Head of Departments will close the attendance register at 9.00 a.m. in the morning.
  3. Non-marking of attendance shall be treated as absence unless permitted by the Principal.
  4. Staff members can avail two permissions in a month (8.30A.M to 9.30 AM. or 3.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M.). Late attendance (After 9.45 A.M.) will be treated as half a day casual leave.


  1. Based on the qualification and experience, monthly salary including dearness allowance (DA) will be fixed for every staff member according to the norms of the Management.
  2. The revision of D.A. is left to the discretion of the Management.
  3. Staff members who acquire Ph.D. degree after entering into service in the institution will be    sanctioned with three additional increments/incentives as per Institute norms.
  4. Salary of each staff member will be directly credited into the savings bank account of the individual in ICICI bank’s branch on or before 5th of every month.
  5.   Income tax, if any, will be deducted from the salary and paid to the government. If any additional amounts need to be deducted towards income tax, or external payments which come under tax benefits, the matter should be intimated as a written request to the Principal.
  6. It is the bounden duty of all staff to pay the income tax. Non remittance of tax will result in legal action.


  1. i) Pay Revision and Annual increment:

Pay Revision is based on the Performance Appraisal report of the individual and will be taken up at the beginning of every academic year on case to case basis.

Performance and other credentials of the staff members shall be the integral part of the pay revision. For Annual increments also, the same procedure shall be followed.

  1. ii) Employees Provident Fund (EPF):
  2. For the employees whose total pay is less than Rs.15000/- per month, the management will deduct 12% from their salary and contribute equally every month.

iii) Accident Insurance Scheme:

  1. All staff members and students are covered by the group insurance scheme.
  2. In the event of any disability or death of any member, his / her family gets a part or full amount of the sum insured.
  3. A part of the sum insured will be paid for hospitalization expenses and the balance amount will be paid to the affected family.
  4. iv) Opportunities for Higher Studies:

The staff members who have already served in this institution at least for three academic years are permitted to pursue higher studies in any one of the following categories. The maximum number of faculty deputed is restricted to one member per department per year. The other conditions are as follows: 

The period of study leave should be for a period of two years for M. Tech./M.E./M.Phil. programmes and three years for Ph.D. 

Fully Financed:

  1. Under this category, the individual who wants to go for Ph.D. in full time shall be entitled to receive 100% of the emoluments for a period of one complete year. In such cases the faculty member is entitled to receive half of his salary during his period of study for the first two years.
  2. To avail this facility, the individual has to execute a bond with the management. A bond on the required non-judicial stamp to the effect that he/ she shall serve the institution for five years
  3. One must complete 3 (three) years of service in this institution and priority will be based on seniority
  4. During this period, he / she will be treated as a full time faculty and the period will be treated as ‘ON DUTY’
  5. As soon as the duration of Ph.D. is over, he / she has to serve in this institution for a period of 5 years as per the bond.
  6. In case, if the individual is unable to serve the entire period of 5 years, he / she has to repay to the Institution twice the amount received by the individual.
  7. Permitting leave and sanctioning of full salary for the period of study is left to the discretion of the management.
  8. It cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

Extraordinary Leave on Loss of Pay for Study:

  1. Under this category, the individual has to serve the institution on expiry of the leave period for an equivalent period.
  2. The period of study will not be considered for the sanction of increment


Selected staff members will be sponsored by the Management for faculty development programmes, conferences, seminars and workshops. Any faculty member will be allowed for a maximum of two such programmes in a semester if the programme period is within 5 days. If any such programme is more than 5 days, they will be allowed to attend only during their vacation period.

Allowances for Presenting Papers in Seminar / Conferences etc. 

The regular Teaching staff that are sponsored for presenting papers in seminars/ conferences are eligible to travel by II AC or equivalent by rail in addition to reimbursement of registration fee. No D.A. is admissible. This facility is limited to once in an academic year i.e. July – June. 

Allowances for Attending Seminars, Q.I.P. Courses, Refresher Courses Etc. 

The regular teaching staff who are permitted to attend the seminars as delegates, and to undergo Q.I.P. Courses, Refresher Courses etc., are eligible to travel by sleeper class. No D.A. is admissible. This provision is not extended when the organizing agency is meeting the T.A. 


If any staff member wants to resign the job, the concerned staff member shall give a minimum of two months / 60 days advance notice or as per the conditions specified in the appointment order / promotion order about his/her intention of leaving job, only at the end of the academic year to the Chairman through the Principal in writing.

In case, where the end of notice period falls during the course of a semester he/she may be relieved only at the end of the semester.

  1. In case, if the staff member does not give notice in advance, then the staff member owes to the institution his / her earning for the preceding 3 months or period as stipulated already in the appointment / promotion order before he / she is relieved.
  1. The un-availed leave at the credit of the staff member shall not be adjusted towards the notice period.
  2. In case if, he/she takes leave for a day and if there is no casual leave available, then the   leave availed will be treated as on loss of pay with the cut in the salary for the day during the notice period
  3. While getting relieved, files, materials and documents, etc., entrusted to him/her shall be handed over to the person nominated by the HOD or Principal under proper acknowledgement.
  4. The staff member can apply for his/her the relieving order from the Institution only after the submission of “No Dues Certificate” in the prescribed form along with a copy of handing over charge record in case if he/she happens to be in-charge of the laboratory.
  5. Any staff member may be relieved immediately if he/she gets a Government Job or the concerned individual’s spouse is transferred or he/she is getting married. But, this is subject to the discretion of the management after assessing the merit of the request.


All employees are liable for disciplinary action for disobedience, misconduct and dereliction/negligence of duty. However such disciplinary action shall be taken after establishing the grounds on which the disciplinary action is initiated and after a reasonable opportunity has been provided to the employee to defend himself/herself. 

As part of the disciplinary action, the following punishment for good and sufficient reasons may be imposed upon the employees of the Institution, after establishing the facts about committing an offence and dereliction/negligence of duties. 

  1. i)  Censure 
  2. ii) Withholding increments/promotion 

iii) Recovery from his salary whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Institute due to negligence of duty or breach of orders/rules. 

  1. iv) Suspension 
  2. v) Dismissal from service 
  3. vi) If the competent authority feels it necessary to constitute an enquiry as a part of the procedure for taking disciplinary action, the enquiry committee shall consists of three members – HOD and senior faculty members. 

vii) An employee can appeal against any punishment imposed upon him/her by the competent authority to the management/governing body as the case may be.


Staff Discipline

Objective: To ensure mutual respect and freedom for everyone and be role models to the student community.

2.1 General Conditions:

  1. All the employees of the Institute shall be subject to the general disciplinary and conduct rules of the Institute, and are liable for all consequences in the event of any breach of rules by him/her.
  2. Every employee shall at all times maintain integrity of Character, be devoted to his/her duty and be honest and impartial in his / her official dealing. An employee shall, at all times be courteous and polite in his/her dealings with the management, principal, other members of staff, students and with members of the public. He/she shall exhibit utmost loyalty and shall always act in the best interest of the Institute.
  3. An employee of the Institute shall devote his/her whole time to the service of the Institute and shall not engage directly or indirectly in any work, which is likely to interfere with the proper discharge of his/her duties. This provision shall not apply to academic work relating to university examinations, question papers setting, delivering Guest Lectures and any other work undertaken with the prior permission of the Principal/Management. No employee shall be absent from duty without prior permission. Whenever leaving the station, an employee shall inform the principal in writing through the respective H.O.D. or the principal directly if he/she happens to be a H.O.D the address at which he/she would be available during the period of his/her absence from the headquarters. 
  4. An employee may be placed under suspension by the appointing authority pending enquiry into framed charges by giving the employee a fair chance to represent his/her case. The principal is empowered to suspend any employee if it is in the interest of the Institute and report his action to the Management, and the University as the case may be.
  5. The services of an employee, probationer or permanent, are liable to be terminated on ground of fraud, gross indiscipline, negligence of duties, prolonged illness, disability to discharge his/her official duties satisfactorily etc., giving 3 months notice or 3 months’ salary in lieu thereof for regular employee and one month notice or one month salary in lieu thereof for probationer. The employee concerned however shall be given full and fair opportunity to represent his/her case before effecting such termination. There is no necessity to issue such notice to the probationers. 
  6. No employee shall make any statement, publish or write through any media which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any policy or action of the Institute or detrimental to the interests of the Institute.
  7. An employee against whom insolvency proceedings commenced in a Court of law shall forthwith report full facts thereof to the Institute.
  8. An employee against whom criminal proceedings are initiated in a court of law shall immediately inform the competent authority of the Institute regarding the details thereof.
  9. No employee shall except with prior permission of the competent authority, have recourse to law or to the press for the vindication of any official act of the Institute, which has been the subject matter of criticism or attach defamatory character.
  10. Whenever an employee wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redress of any grievance he/she must forward his/her case in writing through proper channel to the competent authority and shall not forward any such advance copies of his/her application to any higher authorities unless the competent authority has rejected his/her claim or refused redress of the grievance or has delayed the matter beyond a reasonable time.
  11. An employee who commits any offence or dereliction of duty or does an act detrimental to the interests of the Institute is subject to an enquiry and punishment by the competent authority. However, any employee aggrieved with the decision of the competent authority may appeal against such punishment or decision within 15 days of the receipt of the orders of the decision to the management and the decision of the management thereon, is final and binding on the employee. 
  12. No employee shall engage in strike or incitement thereto or similar activities such as absence from work or neglect of duties or participate in hunger strike etc. Violation of this rule will amount to misconduct and attract deterrent punishment.
  13. Institute working hours are, normally from 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. However, those who have academic, administrative, examination or any other such work shall follow the 8.30 a.m to 5.00 p.m or any other as directed by HOD/Principal.
  14. All members of the staff shall be at their workplace (offices, classrooms, Labs, staff room etc.) at least 5 minutes before their reporting time.
  15. Anyone coming late / leaving early for more than 15 minutes on 3 occasions in a month shall lose half-day Casual Leave. Repeated late comers shall be liable for disciplinary action.
  16. Anyone needing to go out of the Institute premises during working hours (except lunch break) shall seek necessary permission from HOD/Principal/Vice Principal and register his/her absence (i.e. OUT and IN timing).
  17. Staff members shall compulsorily wear Institute ID while in the Institute premises. They shall also ensure that the students wear their IDs.
  1. Staff members shall compulsorily submit their investment details to the Account Section before 7th February each year in the prescribed form to enable them to deduct the tax at source, failing which Income Tax shall be deducted as per rules.
  2. Faculty shall ensure that discipline is maintained in the classroom, labs and Institute premises. In case of serious matters of indiscipline, the same shall be reported to the HOD.
  3. Faculty members shall not use mobile  phones  during  their  instructional  hours. However, they may use them in their cabins/rooms.
  4. As per the Govt. rules, use of mobile phone in the Institute premises by the students is prohibited.  However, taking into consideration the necessity of use of mobile phones today, the Institute strictly prohibits its use in places, such as Exam Hall, Classrooms, Labs, Library, Reading Room and corridors of Institute building. If a student found violating this norm, the faculty/staff shall report the matter to the HOD. The HOD shall initiate action by impounding the mobile and keep in the safe custody of Office. Return of the mobile will be considered at the end of the semester by Institute council and the decision of the council should not be taken as precedence.
  5. All faculty members are advised to wear decent clothes. Clothes like sleeveless tops, T-shirts, jeans, caps, etc. are not permitted. Earrings, pony tails/long hair, bangles etc. are not permitted for gents.
  6. Internal guides of projects are required to pay surprise visits to sites for out-house projects (without the knowledge of students) to ensure students’ attendance.  Regular contacts with Industry Guides shall be maintained. Internal project guides shall obtain a confidential report of the student/group along with evaluation of the project report from the Industry/External project guide.
  7. Faculty members are requested not to leave a lab session unattended, when students are   present.   In   case   of   emergency, a   faculty member   shall   make   alternate arrangements either with other faculty or lab assistants to monitor the lab session during their absence.
  8. Before the instructional day starts, faculty/technical staff shall collect their respective lab/ staff room keys from the key board which is in the central office and they shall be deposited back when they leave the Institute premises.
  9. Faculty shall communicate to each other and students only in English. However, to explain a point better, other languages may be used occasionally.
  10. As a security measure, members of the staff who come in four wheelers and require to park them inside the Institute campus, shall give their names and the registration number of the vehicle to the Security Officer/Security at the entrance.
  11. Faculty members may photocopy up to 20 pages for academic purposes. Course file material may be photocopied with the permission of the concerned HOD.  Details of the photocopying shall be entered in the register book kept in the Documentation Room. Library books and text books shall not be photocopied.
  12. The staff members shall not involve themselves in activities not conducive to their work during working hours.
  13. Staff members are encouraged to take up Consultancy / Research projects through the Institute.
  14. Staff members are prohibited from accepting valuable gifts in any form from the students / parents / companies having business transactions with the Institute.
  15. The perks received if any, for the good work from the management by the individual shall be treated as confidential.
  16. The details of student feedback forms and self-performance appraisal reports given by the individual to the superior shall be treated as confidential.
  17. Any breach /violation of any of the above conduct rules are liable for disciplinary action that may lead to the suspension / termination.

The staff members are entitled to enjoy the following leave benefits:

  1. General: 
  2. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The sanctioning authority has full discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any kind when the exigencies of service so demand. 
  3. A Leave account shall be maintained for each employee in an appropriate form. 
  4. For casual leaves, the sanctioning authority is the Head of the Department for vacation staff. For Heads of Departments/Vice Principal, Principal is the sanctioning authority. The principal shall be the competent authority to grant all other kinds of leaves on the recommendation of HOD as the case may be. In the case of the Principal, the Chairman shall be the authority to sanction leave. 
  5. Either prefixing or suffixing of any kind of leave with vacation is allowed on prior approval. 
  6. Any kind of leave may be granted in combination with or in continuation with any other kind of leave except C.L. with prior approval. 
  7. Employees when deputed on official duty or on Institute work, the period of their absence shall be treated as ‘On Duty’


Causal leave is a concession given to the members of the teaching and non–teaching staff to enable them in special circumstances to be absent from duty. However, this cannot be claimed as a matter of right. All employees of the Institute shall be entitled to twelve days of casual leave. A teacher availing the C.L. must arrange for the class work with substitutes form with concurrence of HOD.

  1. The teacher has to get the sanction of his/her leave from the Principal through the HOD at least one day prior to the date of leave applied.
  2. In case of emergency i.e., for death of his/her relative and other extraordinary circumstances alone the C.L. can be availed after passing on the information telephonically to the office. An alternative arrangement for class work has to be informed to the HOD.

iii.    Casual leaves for half day can be granted to an employee for the Forenoon or Afternoon session. 

  1.   C.L. may be combined with CCL, Sundays or any other notified holidays.
  2. Total no. of days of C.L. to be availed at a spell should not exceed 6 days including the holidays and Sundays.
  3.   C.L. is sanctioned at the rate of one day per month

vii. C.L. shall be availed to the maximum of 6 days in a block of 6 months. 

Calendar year shall be followed for availing C.L.

viii. Unutilized C.L. lapses at the end of the December every year.

  1. A minimum of half a day C.L. can be availed.
  2. The above rules are applicable to non-teaching staff also.


It is a leave sanctioned to a teaching or non-teaching staff in lieu of having attended the office on a holiday whenever he / she is directed to do so by the authorities i.e. Chairman, Principal, Vice Principal and H.O.D concerned of the Institute.

  1. C.C.L. can also be combined with C.L.
  2. This leave must be availed within three months from the day of the duty carried out.
  3. C.C.L. can be availed as full day only.
  1. Clause from (i) to (viii) of 3.1 are applicable for C.C.L.


  1. The staff members suffered while handling dangerous machinery or performing hazardous task with chemicals are eligible for hospital leave for a period required for recovery.
  2. During this period full pay with allowances will be paid to the staff members concerned.

iii. The Management has a right to refer the affected staff member for medical advice to the hospital or medical practitioner of its choice.

  1. M.L. will be sanctioned only on production of a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
  2. Intervening holidays will also be treated as ML
  3. If the holidays are prefixed and/or suffixed with M.L. they will not be counted along with M.L.

vii. Special medical leave of 15 days with half salary and 10 days without salary over and above the normal medical leave will be sanctioned to a staff member who meets with an accident / has any other severe health problem and he/she should have been hospitalized.

viii. M.L. intimation must be given to the Principal as soon as possible and application in writing should be submitted within 7 days from the date of availing M.L.

  1. The sanction of the medical leave is subject to the discretion of the Management.


  1. The leave is applicable to all the Women members of staff who have completed Three year of service with the regular scale of pay only and can be availed only once in service.
  2. This leave is admissible for 120 days only and may be taken before or after delivery as advised by the doctor for the first or second child only. Extension of leave after availing maternity leave is not allowed.


This is permitted to a Faculty member who is assigned a duty officially. The nature of duties and the number of days of O.D. permitted are as follows.

  1. For the conduct of University Practical Examination for APJ KTU and paper Valuation, Faculty members will be permitted.
  2. Total OD of 6 days per semester will be granted for the following:
  3.   Participation and /or Presentation of paper in National / International Seminars / Conference / Symposium / Workshops
  4. Viva voce, Synopsis submission, DC meeting and any other Professional Activities.

iii. The teacher availing O.D. is permitted to enjoy the remuneration given by the University or any other academic/research bodies.

  1. Staff members are permitted to go on ‘On Duty’ for academic works of the Institute, such as Board of Studies, Academic Council, Staff selection Committee, Accreditation committee, Resource person for other Institutes and other committee/ Council formed related to the works of AICTE/ other prescribed bodies etc., after obtaining prior written permission from the H.O.D. and the Principal. Staff members availing O.D. are entitled to draw the salary in full for the entire period of O.D.
  2. In all the cases, prior written permission has to be obtained from the Principal.


  1. The vacation period for teaching staff members and non-teaching staff members for one academic year shall be decided by the management from time to time. 
  2. The vacation is for a specific period after even semester. It is decided by the management. No staff member can take the vacation after the vacation period.
  3. The Principal has the right to prevent any staff member from availing a portion or the whole vacation if the service of the particular individual is essential for the administration of the Institution.
  4. When prevented from enjoying the vacation, the particular staff will be eligible for the grant of suitable compensatory additional leave after the end of the academic year.
  5. Staff members who have completed one year of service as on date of commencement of vacation period are entitled for vacation as detailed above.
  6. However the staff member with a service of less than one year will be given vacation proportionally to the length of period of service rendered by him/her.
  7. No other leave can be combined with vacation.
  8. All the staff members must be present in the Institution on the last working day prior to the vacation and also on reopening day after the vacation to become eligible to draw their vacation salary.

Note: Any type of leave mentioned above cannot be claimed as a matter of right and the decision of the Management/Principal in all the cases is final.

  1. Formation of Committees

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Committees

Various committees are formed in the Institute for the smooth and efficient management of activities. It also gives the opportunity to the faculty to grow and develop in their extra-curricular activity/field and administrative skills. The committees are constituted by the Principal in consultation with HoDs for one academic year or until new committees are constituted. The outgoing Conveners/ In-charges of the committees shall hand over all the relevant documents/files to the new Conveners /in- charges in the presence of the Principal or a representative appointed by them. The handed over documents shall be also signed by all the three mentioned above. 

The procedure followed for constituting a committee is as follows: 

  1. a)  A notice is circulated among the faculty inviting their choice of preference of committee. If the preference made by the faculty is found suitable by the team (Principal/Vice Principal and HoD) they approve the same in consultation with the Associate Director (Academic). In case of any tie or any mismatch, the team reassigns the staff member. 
  2. b)    However, for sufficient reasons the Principal along with the HoD may appoint faculty to various committees with the approval of the Associate Director (Academics).

4.2 Admission Committee 

The committee consists of Principal, Vice Principal, any two Heads of the Department and faculty members involved with the admissions. The following are the functions of the Admissions Committee. 

  1. To evolve the procedure for the registration on the day of orientation 
  2. To make necessary arrangements for the orientation programme of 1st year students. 
  3. To prepare nominal rolls. 
  4. To follow up the tuition fee payments, and fines, if any. 
  5. To settle the accounts of tuition fee, admission fee etc., paid by the students. 

4.3 Class Advisor: 

Objective: To help students in their pursuit of knowledge. 

  1. To display the session plan and portion for Class Test on the respective Notice Board/Web site. 
  2. To guide the students about rules of attendance (general), Industrial Visits, sports, medical leave etc. 
  3. Address students’ queries. 
  4. Meeting the parents of students, especially defaulters. 
  5. To inform the HoD about making alternate arrangement for lectures and practicals when a faculty is absent. 
  6. To coordinate with the Attendance Committee of the department to update attendance in case of medical leave, sports leave etc. 
  7. Collect information regarding weaker students* from the subject teachers and arrange remedial classes and counselling sessions in consultation with the HoD. 
  8. Updating the personnel files/record of the student.
  9.   Any other duty the Associate Director (Academics)/ Principal/Vice Principal may assign. 

*Weaker student in terms of academic and personal problems

4.4 Career Guidance and Placement Unit 

Objective: To help students to prepare for placement interviews/higher studies and help them to choose an appropriate organization.

The CGPU shall organize Campus Placement Programs for various IT and non  IT companies  visiting our institute during the placement season. Usually, it starts immediately after the 7th semester exams. It can be also organized later (Off Campus) in the same academic year, if other companies wish to come. 

It consists of Training & Placement Officer and two Sr Professors, as its members. The following are the functions of the Training and Placement Committee. 

  1. To help the T & P Officer to maintain contacts with alumni. 
  2. To help the T & P Officer to organize the various processes like written test, group discussion, technical interviews, H.R. Interviews when the companies come to the campus for placement. 
  3. To organize activities aimed at improving Institute- Industry Interaction. 
  4. To coordinate the soft skills training programmes of the respective departments

4.5 Grievance Redressal Committee 

The committee consists of Principal, any Two Heads of the Department and a Senior Non-Teaching staff, as the members. The following are the functions of Grievance Redressal Committee. 

  1. To receive Grievance from faculty, staff and students/parents. 
  2. To find the facts of the grievances. 
  3. To suggest remedial and preventive measures.
  4. To review the suggestions/complaints raised by the students during periodical counselling. 
  5. To review the outgoing students feedback. 

4.6 Library Committee 

The committee consists of Principal/Vice Principal, 6 Associate / Asst Professors drawn from the various departments and the Librarian. The following are functions of the library committee. 

  1. To prepare the lists of books/journals as per the requirement of various departments. 
  2. To suggest improvements to run the library smoothly, orderly and satisfactorily. 
  3. To suggest the fine structure for the late returning of books. 
  4. To suggest the punishments to be awarded for the students violating the guidelines of the library. 

4.7 Student Welfare Committee 

The committee consists of a senior Professor, 4 Associate / Asst Professors drawn from the various departments. The following are functions of the Student Welfare Committee. 

  1. Scrutinize the applications received from the students for welfare scholarships and recommend to the welfare office. 
  2. Scrutinize the request from the students and recommend to the management for financial support to deserving students. 
  3. Recommend to the governing body for the institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same. 

4.8 Co-curricular Activities Committee 

The committee consists of a Head of the Department, 6 Associate / Asst Professors drawn from the various departments. The following are functions of the Co-Curricular Activities Committee. 

  1. To suggest various co-curricular activities to be organized in an academic year. 
  2. To suggest various improvements/formulation for the existing bodies such as ISTE student chapter, IEEE student chapter, etc., 
  3. To prepare proposals for conducting state level and national level events in co-curricular activities. 
  4. To finalize a budget to conduct various activities in an academic year and submit to the principal for his approval. 
  5. Preparation of list of guest lecture programmes 
  6. Conduct of seminars, paper contests, quizzes etc., 

4.9 Students Affairs Council  

The Council consists of a senior Faculty, 6 Associate / Asst Professors and elected student representatives. The following are functions of the Council. 

  1. To suggest and organize various cultural activities to be organized in an academic year 
  2. Plan and organize various activities on behalf of NSS/NCC and encourage students / staff to participate in NSS, NCC, Blood donation camps, Flood relief camp etc., 
  3. To prepare sports calendar and an action plan to implement the same. 
  4. To suggest the methods which encourage students and faculty to utilize sports and games facilities available in the Institute. 
  5. To take up the responsibility of preparing the budget estimate, requirement of infrastructure and equipment, maintaining the equipment and play fields. 
  6. Selection of teams to represent the Institute in inter-collegiate tournaments and also the intramural tournaments. 
  7. To prepare the details of attendance exemption to be given to the students representing Institute in various sports and games. 
  8. To increase the cordial relations between students and faculty by organizing exhibition games between the teams of students and faculty wherever possible.

4.10 Planning, Evaluation and IQAC 

The committee consists of the Principal, Vice Principal, Deans, all HODs and Administrative Officer, as its members. The following are the functions of Planning, Evaluation and IQAC Committee;

  1. Academic planning and Evaluation. 
  2. Organizing Internal Academic audit and facilitating External Academic Audit. 
  1. To send proposals to AICTE, UGC etc., for continuation of approval / introduction of new courses. 
  2. To send the proposals to university for extension of affiliation. 
  3. To co-ordinate among the departments to apply for various schemes/grants to AICTE, UGC etc.

4.11 Research, Consultancy and Faculty Development Committee 

The committee consists of Principal/Vice Principal, Deans, and One senior Professor from each department as its members. The following are the functions of the Research Consultancy and Faculty Development Committee 

  1. To coordinate the research and consultancy activities among the departments in the Institute. 
  2. Scrutinize the research projects submitted by the faculty members, and recommend the deserving projects to the appropriate funding agencies for financial support. 
  3. Scrutinize the student’s project proposals to various agencies for financial support and recommend the suitable projects. 
  4. Examine the applications received from the faculty members/students for patents/awards and recommend to the concerned authorities. 
  5. Examine the research consultation projects and recommend the suitable projects. 

4.12 Time Table Committee

Objective: Efficient and smooth management of academic programme 

1 To prepare the class time table at the beginning of each semester (shall be done by respective department’s Time Table Committee)

2 To collect the following information from the HoD.

  1. Teaching load distribution (Individual faculty’s teaching load in the Department)
  2. Sharing teaching load from another Department.
  3. Lab-wise subject allotment.
  4. Assigning of class rooms and tutorial rooms
  5. Assigning of common resources (class rooms, tutorial rooms which are shared by other Departments)
  6. Department specific requirements (e.g. lectures to be arranged only in morning slot)
  7. If modification is required, prepare the desired templates for time tables/Academic Calendar and get them approved by the HoD and Principal.
  8. To prepare the Academic Calendar and get it approved from the Principal.
  9. With the information gathered, prepare a draft of the class timetables.
  10. Referring to the class time tables, prepare the time tables of individual faculty and labs. Mail all the time tables of individual faculty and labs to all the staff, giving them three days to correct any discrepancies.
  11. Prepare the final class, individual and laboratory time tables and get them approved from the HoD and Principal.
  12. Display the class time tables on the staff and student notice boards.
  13. With regard to the individual faculty members and lab timetables, submit one signed copy each to HoD, Vice Principal and the concerned faculty member/lab in charge. The original set shall be retained with the Timetable Committee.
  14. A copy of academic calendar and all timetables are to be mailed to the Associate Director.
  15. Any other duties the Associate Director/Principal/Vice Principal may assign.

4.13 Academic Ethics and Discipline Committee

Objective: To ensure honesty and fairness during examinations

It shall be the responsibility of Exam Supervisors (University/Class Test) to report in writing any malpractice or anomaly found during the examination to the Principal. The Principal in turn shall handover the matter to the Committee concerned.

4.13.1 Role and Responsibilities

  1. Convenor of the Committee (A senior professor) shall convey a meeting of the members and discuss the complaint received from the Principal
  2. The Committee may call the candidate to seek an explanation and hear him/her. Explanation shall be taken in writing.
  3. The Committee members shall make necessary enquiries from Exam Supervisors and other related witnesses.
  4. After hearing all the above persons, they shall report their findings in writing, along with punitive action (if any malpractice was detected) to the Principal according to University guidelines/norms.
  5. Any other duties the Associate Director/Principal may assign.

4.14 Disciplinary Committee: 

It consists of HoDs of all the Departments. The following are the functions of the Disciplinary Committee. 

  1. To maintain & enforce strict discipline in the Institute campus. 
  2. To enforce strict dress code among students. 
  3. To enforce total prohibition of Mobile Phone usage by the students inside the Institute Campus. Please note that Mobile phone is totally prohibited in the Institute Campus and if a student is found carrying Mobile Phone, the Mobile phone needs to be confiscated & returned to the Principal. 
  4. To Monitor the movement of the students in the Institute and prevent students loitering around in the corridors during the Institute working hours. 
  5. To ensure that all the students attend classes without bunking & prevent the Students from leaving the Institute early. Please note that no student can leave the Institute early without prior permission of the higher authorities (Gate pass issued needs to be produced) 
  6. To ensure that students maintain utmost silence in the Library. 
  7. To maintain proper discipline in the Institute Canteen, Student Waiting Room, Corridors and the Student Mess during the Institute Working hours. 
  8. To assist the Institute anti-ragging committee in preventing ragging in the Institute and to spread anti- ragging campaign throughout the student-community. 
  9. To recommend suitable disciplinary action against that student indulging in acts of indiscipline, beyond doubt.

4.15 Women’s Redressal Cell 

It consists of Senior Women Professor and 5 Women Associate Professor / Asst Professor, as its members. The following are the functions of the Women’s Redressal Cell. 

  1. To receive complaints, if any, from the lady staff and lady students who have been subject to sexual harassment. 
  2. To keep all records intact and in proper order of the complaints received. 
  3. To enquire into such complaints and establish the facts. 
  4. To keep an elaborate process document of each such case describing the methods adopted and the settlement reached in solving the problem.


The course file is an official document, a compilation of the planning and execution of teaching/learning activities, carried out through a semester in an academic year for a particular subject. It also includes a continuous report of the evaluation of student’s progress. The teaching faculty is expected to complete their course file and submit the same to the concerned HoD within 10 days of the last instruction day of the concerned semester. The details required for the completion of the course file, along with the deadline and the source of the data as follows



The Principal of the Institute is the Administrative Head of Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology and Rajadhani Business School and he exercises control and supervision over all aspects of admission and conduct of internal and University examinations, with the assistance of the teaching, clerical or administrative and other staff under his control. There are:

  1. Vice Principal
  2. Deans 
  3.   Head of the Departments
  4. Professors
  5. Associate Professors
  6. Assistant Professors
  7. Librarian
  8. Administrative Officer
  9. Estate Manager
  10. Office Superintendent
  11. Assistant Librarian
  12. Office Assistants
  13. Laboratory Technician
  14. Office/Laboratory Attendants
  15. Hostel Wardens
  16. Canteen Manager

5.2. Powers and Responsibilities of Principal

Subject to the supervision and general control of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and the Indira Charitable Trust, Trivandrum, the Principal as an Administrative Head of the Institute and shall be responsible for:

  1. a) To promote the brand building of the Institution by adopting new technologies
  2. b) To promote the comprehensive development of the institution as the Head of the Institution.
  3. c) To conduct Governing Body and Academic Council Meetings.
  4. d) The admission of the students and maintenance of discipline of the Institute.
  5. e) The management of Computer and network facilities in the Institute
  6. f) The assisting in planning and implementation of academic programmes such as seminars etc. for enhancing the academic competence of the Faculty Members.
  7. g) The correspondence relating to the administration of the Institute.
  8. h) To conduct HOD’s meeting at regular intervals to know the state of affairs – both academic and non-academic.
  9. i) The administration and supervision of curricular, co-curricular/extra-curricular activities.
  10. j) The observance of the KTU Act, and the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Rules and other orders issued by the Universities concerned from time to time.
  11. k) To plan for campus placements through training and placement officer. 
  12. l) To review results 
  13. m) To instruct the Hostel Authorities about the rules to be followed while permitting the students to go outside, including their native places. 
  14. n) To observe the functioning and discipline of hostels
  15. o) The Supervision of Institute and University examinations, assessment of answer papers and such other work pertaining to the examinations as assigned.
  16. p) The Assessing of reports of teachers and maintenance of service books and of other records of the Institute.
  17. q) Any other work relating to the Institute as may be assigned to him by the competent Authority from time to time.
  18. r) To take disciplinary action against any staff in the Administration, Faculty, Technical Staff and Non-technical Staff.
  19. s) To get the annual budget sanctioned for conducting various events in the campus, keeping in mind the number of events desirable per year as per NBA/NAAC guidelines. 
  20. t) To instruct the teaching staff through a schedule to conduct annual stock verification of lab equipment. 

5.3 Duties and Responsibilities of Vice Principal

Subject to the supervision and general control of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and the Indira Charitable Trust, Trivandrum, the Vice Principal is the Academic Head of the Institute and shall be responsible for:

  1. a) The Academic growth of the Institute.
  2. b) The teaching, research, consultancy and extension programmes of the Institute.
  3. c) The management of the Institute library. 
  4. d) To coordinate the interdepartmental academic activities
  5. e)  To coordinate the activities of HoDs, faculty and technical staff. 
  6. f) Attesting the academic registers and dairies maintained by teaching staff.

5.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Deans

Academic Deans occupy a unique place in the continuum of academic administrators, as the facilitating link among Department Heads, faculty members, staff, and students.  All activities and roles of the Deans are undertaken in light of furthering the best interests of the students of RIET. The Deans’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  1. a) Coordinating the development of and implementing the Institute’s Vision and Mission Statement;
  2. b) Developing Institute budget;
  3. c) Supervising, evaluating, and supporting Departments/Schools in a manner that promotes excellence in instruction, scholarly and creative productivity. and service at RIET
  4. d) Evaluating overall Departmental/School productivity in instruction, research, and service responsibilities;

5.5 Duties and Responsibilities of HoDs

1) Responsible for all the academic and administrative affairs of the Department.

2) Looks after day to day activities relating to teaching and other workloads of his/her teaching and non-teaching staff.

3) Reports to the Principal regarding all the requirements of his/her department such as Faculty Member, supporting staff, equipments, books & journals, maintenance etc.

4) Represents his/her department and will report to the Principal all the requirements/short comings for the development and proper functioning of the Department, During weekly/fortnightly meetings

5) Looks after the matter related to R & D, Consultancy and Research Publications.

6) Arranges for Guest Lecture/Extension Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences etc.

7) Make sure that the time tables are prepared as per the guidelines given by the principal and inform the faculty members and students at least one day before the commencement of the class work. 

8) Send staff attendance register after making necessary entries to the principal office by 9.30 A.M every day.

9) Interact with students (Section wise) of their branch once in a fortnight, identify the problems and find solutions in consultation with the Principal. 

10) Verify the student attendance registers maintained by the staff members once a week and submit to the Principal for verification once in a fortnight. 

11) Instruct the faculty members to set the question papers as per instructions from the Vice Principal and to maintain the confidentiality and also to evaluate the scripts promptly to meet the dead line given by the Principal. 

  1. Observe the dress code among students and instruct the respective class teachers to implement the dress code among the students. 
  2. Convene departmental staff meeting once in a week on the day allotted and record the minutes of the meeting. 
  3. Collect the student feedback about the faculty members subject wise (for all the subjects taught to the students of their branch) and communicate the feed back to the concerned faculty members in the standard format as decided by Principal. Communicate a copy to the Principal. If any subject is handled by the other department faculty members, communicate one copy to the respective HOD. Guide the faculty members to improve their performance based on the feedback and also monitor whether the faculty members are improving from year/semester to year/semester. (Minimum two evaluations per semester).
  4. Communicate the attendance particulars and internal marks of students to the concerned parents from time to time with the help of class teachers. 
  5. Counsel the students who are absent for the mid test or irregular to the class work. 
  6. Form the student batches and allot the project guides as per guidelines given by the principal. 
  7. Route all the correspondence through the office of the Principal. 
  8. Designate faculty member who will be the Head I/c during his/her absence and make sure that all files and records are available for Head in- charge. Give contact telephone number to enable the authorities to consult them in emergency when he/she is away from head quarters. 
  9. Allocate the students to the teacher-counsellors in the beginning of the academic year. 
  10. Inform the concerned authorities of any important information of events taking place in the Department from time to time. 
  11. Arrange special classes if necessary for the benefit of below average students. 
  12. Ensure academic discipline in the department. 
  13. Follow the guidelines / instructions given by the Principal/Vice Principal from time to time. 
  14. Provide necessary inputs to the principal for conducting Academic Council / GB Meeting
  15. Arranging with faculty for academic counselling.
  16. Responding to student grievances and requests.
  17. A successful head must be able to handle the administrative details which make the office function efficiently, professionally, and effectively
  18. Maintaining faculty files.



The requirements of a Department are classified into

  1. Consumables
  2. Non Consumables
  3. Stationery

Procedures for procuring lab consumables, non-consumables and stationery:


Soon after the last day of the classes of an academic year, the staff in charge of each lab should assess the requirement of lab consumables for the next academic year taking into account the consumption in the previous semesters. The HOD of the department concerned has to give a list of consumables required for the next academic year to the management.

  2. i) The HOD as soon as realizing the need for the equipment (including furniture) for the next year/semester has to initiate a proposal to the Management for the procurement of the same, through the Principal.
  3. ii) After the approval, the Management will call for quotations.

iii) On receipt of quotations the HOD has to prepare a comparative statement.

  1. iv) If required, vendors may be called for negotiations by the Management.
  2. v) The purchase order will then be issued to the selected vendor by the Management.
  3. vi) A copy of the purchase order will be sent to the Principal/HOD of the concerned department by the Management.

vii) After purchases are over and after the items are received by the Department, HOD has to certify that the items have been received in good / working condition.

viii) The details should be entered into the consumables / non- consumable stock register as the case may be and HOD may pass the bill for payment within a week of the receipt of the consumable /non-consumables. Bill may be sent to the Chairman through the Principal.

  2. i) Soon after the last day of classes of an academic year, HoDs’ should assess the requirements of stationery needed for the administration of their Department (including ISO related works)
  3. ii) After consolidation of the requirements and after the approval, the Management will take action for the bulk purchase of the stationery needed for the entire Institution.

iii) After procurement, the stationery required for each Department will be distributed by the office.


  1. i) Special indent for stationery in bulk for specific purpose such as conduct of workshops / conferences / seminars, etc. has to be given by the HOD to the office well in advance (at least 10 days before the proposed date.)
  2. ii) While preparing the special indent, the actual use of stationery during previous similar occasion should be taken into account as a basis.

iii) As soon as the purpose for which the stationery has been obtained is over, the unutilized portion has to be returned to the office by the HOD concerned. (The stationery obtained for a specific purpose shall not be used for normal work of the Department)


(i) In case of laboratory, the following stock registers have to be maintained by the Technical Staff in the laboratory.

  1. Consumables stock register
  2. Non-consumables stock register
  3. Other register(s) based on the requirement of the Department concerned.

(ii)  The staff in charge for each lab is responsible for the proper upkeep of the material in the lab besides maintaining the consumable and non-consumable stock register of each lab. Each entry should be signed by the staff in-charge of the laboratory, Staff in charge of verification and the HOD concerned.

(iii) The staff in charge is nominated among the members of the Department. He/she will be in charge of the concerned laboratory of the department. 

(iv)  Whenever a new staff member takes over the staff in charge of a lab, he/she should take charge of the laboratory from his/her predecessor after verifying the entries of the stock registers. If there is any discrepancy, the fact should be reported immediately though the HOD to the Principal.

(v)  If a staff member who is in charge of a particular lab is on long leave, HOD should make alternate arrangements immediately to entrust the stock to another staff member. The newly entrusted staff member shall take possession of all the stocks immediately and the HOD has to report the fact to the Principal.

(vi)  Any breakage or damage of an item during its use should be immediately recorded in the stock register against that item in the remarks column. This should include the reason for the damage and any breakage fees to be collected from the staff member / student whoever is responsible for the damage. In case of expensive items, the matter should be reported to the Principal immediately for the recovery of the breakage fees. For inexpensive items, the breakage fee should be collected after the practical classes are over for the concerned semester.

(vii) Similarly, loss of any item should also be recorded in the register and reported to the Principal for recovery of the cost from person responsible for the loss.

(viii) After the recovery of the costs and on the specific orders from the Principal the item lost / damaged has to be removed from the stock register.

(ix) If any old item is beyond repair and cannot be put into the use, the same can be condemned after obtaining approval from the Principal. This has to be entered in the stock register.

(x)  No transfer of an equipment / material from one lab to another lab (even within the same Department) should take place without prior permission of the Principal. As and when such a transfer is made a note should be made in the respective stock register of the laboratory against the item regarding the date of issue, date of receipt and other relevant particulars.

(xi) If any equipment is not functioning within the guarantee period, the company may be pulled up for rectification and it must be set right at the earliest possible.

(xii) Periodic service and maintenance of the equipment / machineries is a must.


  1. i) Surprise checks on stocks have to be carried out by the HOD in his/her department at least once in a year. Principal or any member of the Management may also conduct surprise checks.
  2. ii) Apart from surprise checks, annual verification has to be carried out by the staff members deputed by the Principal from other Departments before the end of the academic year.

 iii) Discrepancy, if any, noticed during stock verification should be reported to the Principal immediately for further action.



Work load of faculty will be as per AICTE norms. In addition to stipulated teaching hours, other duties for the overall development of the Department and Institute as a whole has also be taken up. The work load of all the staff shall be fixed by the management. The work load of the teacher should not be less than 40 hours a week, of which teaching-contact hours should be at least as follows as per AICTE norms: 





4 hours / week 

8 hours /week


Dean / Professor 

12 hours / week 


Associate Professor 

14 hours / week 


Assistant Professor 

16 hours/week 

6.1.1. TEACHERS AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES – Teachers are expected to:

  1. Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the community.
  2. Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.
  3. Make continuous professional growth through study and research.
  4. Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc., towards the contribution of knowledge
  5. Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and their profession through them
  6.   Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research work conscientiously and with dedication
  7. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the Institute and the University such as; assisting in appraising application for admission, advising and counselling students as well as assisting the conduct of University and Institute examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation and 
  8. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service

6.1.2 TEACHERS AND THE STUDENTS – Teachers are expected to:

  1. Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his / her opinion
  2. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics.
  3. Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.
  4.  Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare.
  5. Inculcate among students a scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and the ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace.
  6. Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  7. Pay attention to only the attainments of the student in the assessment of merit.
  8. Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
  9. Aid students to develop and understand our national heritage and national goals and refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration.

6.1.3. TEACHERS AND COLLEAGUES – Teachers are expected to:

  1. Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
  2. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment.
  3. Refrain from lodging unsubstantiated and mala fide allegations against colleagues to higher authorities; and
  4. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or gender in their professional endeavour.

6.1.4 TEACHERS AND AUTHORITIES – Teachers are expected to:

  1. Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures and methods consistent with their profession in initiating steps through their own institutional bodies and / or professional organizations for change of any such rule detrimental to the professional interest. 
  2. Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand.
  3. Co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institution keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession.
  4. Perform to the best of their ability in accordance with generally accepted professional standards of the teaching profession, to ensure there is no breach of their contract.
  5. Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made 
  6. Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable, with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of the academic schedule.


  1. Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a co-operative undertaking within the institution.


  1. Try to maintain contact with the guardians of their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.


  1. Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programmes which are being provided.
  2. Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual life.
  3. Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as are conducive to the progress of society and by extension, the country as a whole.
  4. Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups but actively work for National Integration.

The duties of the staff members (teaching) are as follows:

  1. for conducting theory classes, the teacher has
  2. i)  To go to class well prepared.
  3. ii) To go to class at least 5 minutes earlier before the period starts.

iii) To take charge of the class as soon as the staff member of the previous hours goes out.

  1. iv) To give lecture till the period ends.
  2. v) To clear the doubts of the students then and there in the class.
  3. vi)  To give notes only if necessary or hand over the notes to the students and asking them to take Xerox copies.

         vii)  To use LCD projector wherever necessary.

   viii) To take attendance in the beginning of the first hour in the forenoon and immediately after entering the class room for all the remaining hours.

  1. ix)  To take steps to maintain perfect discipline inside the class.
  2. x)  To make use of NPTEL programmes.
  3. xi)  To keep abreast in the subject by referring to journals and periodicals regularly.
  1. For conducting practical classes, teacher has
  2. i)  To allow the students inside the lab only on submission of the record note books written up to date. For KTU, the work book in detail including calculation steps.
  3. ii)  To give crystal clear instructions.

         iii)   To be demonstrative if needed to know how to do the experiment.

  1. iv)  To attest the readings of the experiment.
  2. v)  To let the students know the percentage of error he/she commits for every experiment.
  3. vi)  To give marks based on the percentage of error.

         vii)  To sign the manual at the end of each practical class.

       viii)  To sign the record note books and return them before the end of every practical   class.

  1. In general, the teacher has
  2. i)  To give at least two assignments to the students for every semester.
  3. ii)    To correct them and give marks to them.

        iii)  To retain the best and the worst assignment of every class for ISO inspection / documentation.

  1. iv)   To correct the answer scripts of the internal tests and model examination within three days.
  2. v)   To enter the marks of the assignments, monthly tests and model examination in the log book (to arrive at internal assessment marks at the end of every semester).
  3. vi)    Conducting the tutorial classes at regular interval
  4. Apart from duties given in (A), (B), (C) The teacher has
  5. i)  To give counselling to the students if needed.
  6. ii)  To bring the students misbehaviour in the class to the knowledge of the Vice Principal through concerned HoDs.

iii)  To give names of the students to the Vice Principal who are long absentees.

  1. iv)   To carry out the administrative works of the department given by the HoD concerned.

6.2. Librarian:    

The Librarian’s post is a teaching post. The Job responsibilities of a Librarian are as follows:

  1. Planning new services for the Library.
  2. Making rules for the Library
  3. Acquisitions and Gift books selection
  4. Catalogue entries – checking & keywords
  5. Software for Library
  6. Library Committee
  7. Correspondence
  8. Signatory for all bills, correspondence notices.
  9. Maintaining Discipline in Library
  10. Replacement of Library books lost
  11. Assigning work to the Library Staff
  12. Reference to teachers, students, visitors
  13. Reports to be submitted to Auditors, UGC/AICTE/KTU, and Vice Principal
  14. Library Annual Report

15.Journal subscription, renewal, receipt of current issues, reminders Journal binding, Journal accessioning & data entry

6.3.   Assistant Librarian:

The Job responsibilities of an Assistant Librarian are as follows:

  1. Gift Book Processing
  2. Catalogue – Data entry
  3. Library Notices – Drafting, putting up notices on the Library Notice board
  4. Displays
  5. Binding of Books & Journals
  6. Journals – General supervision
  7. Discipline in the Library
  8. Library Clearance
  9. Correspondence – Print & Dispatch
  10. Library Maintenance – Liaison with Administrator
  11. Hardware & Network – Liaison with Knowledge Centre
  12. Library Statistics
  13. Library Membership
  14. Reference
  15. Printing of Spine / Book/ Barcode Labels
  16. Any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time.

6.4 Duties of Technical Assistants, Skilled assistants and Office Assistants:

They have to perform the duties assigned by the HOD or staff in charge of the laboratory concerned for the smooth functioning of the department. They have to carry out the works assigned by the office of the Management and the Principal every now and then.

6.4.1 Duties and responsibilities of the Laboratory In-charge (Technical Staff)

  1.   To maintain the Dead Stock Register and Consumable Registers.
  2. To find out the requirements for consumables for the laboratory and procure the same, before the start of every term.
  3.   To plan for the procurement of equipment for the  coming  term  well  in advance. This can be done by visits to other Institutes, by contacting teachers who are teaching  or  have  taught  similar  subjects  in  our  Institute  or  other Institutes, etc.
  4. To see that the infrastructure facilities in the labs are adequate so that each batch has ample opportunity to complete practical’s satisfactorily. 
  5.   To organize the laboratory for oral and practical examinations.
  6.   To hold those responsible for any breakage / loss etc. and recover costs.
  7.   To ensure the cleanliness of the lab and switch off all equipment after use.
  8. Requisition of consumables shall be submitted to the HOD, who in turn shall verify the same and forward to the Principal for necessary action.
  9. Any other duty as may be assigned by the HOD/Principal/Vice Principal from time to time.
  10.   In order to prevent theft/damage, the Lab In-charge shall take the following action:
  11.   Lab In-charge and Lab Assistants are to report the matter in writing immediately to the HOD as soon as they come to know about the missing/damaged item in their Lab through the faculty in charge of Lab. They also have the responsibility to find out/enquire about the missing/damaged item/article and suggest further action in order to compensate the loss as well as prevent recurrence of the same.
  12. Lab Assistants in turn shall note down  the  missing  items  in  the respective Lab Register.
  1. If the students are responsible for the loss/missing  item,  then  an amount equal to the cost of the item as fine shall be levied from the concerned students.    Students shall not be allowed to purchase and bring the item on their own, as compensation for the loss/missing item.

6.4.2 Duties and Responsibilities of Lab Assistants

  1. The Lab. Assistants are required to assist the respective Lab In-Charge for smooth functioning of the laboratories.
  2. Lab   Assistants   shall   be   available   for   maintenance   and   care   of resources/services of the institute. 
  3.   All the Lab. Assistants, in coordination with the respective Lab In-Charge, are required to report matters, like maintenance/repairing, theft, damage etc. within the respective labs, to the HOD.
  4.   Lab Assistants in coordination with Lab In-charge should display

 (i)  List of Equipment/software with cost

 (ii)  List of Experiments

 (iii)  Lab Time Table

 (iv)  Names of Lab In-charge / Lab Assistants etc. on the Lab Notice board. 

 (v)   Any other assignments as given by HOD/Principal/Vice Principal

6.4.3 Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty in respect of Labs.

  1. Faculty conducting practicals / projects shall be responsible for the respective labs during their practical hours.
  2. Faculty shall follow the guidelines/instructions as prepared by the Lab in- charge.  However, faculty can suggest changes in these matters with the consent of the HOD.
  3.   In order to prevent theft, faculty members are advised to take the following action.
  4. Before starting the practicals/projects, students shall be asked to check the PCs/equipment etc. and report in case of any missing items/irregularity to the lab In-Charge.
  5.   As far as possible, allot the same PC to the same individual/same group of students (in case of projects).

iii. Students shall not be permitted to carry bags into the labs.

  1. In case of any missing/damaged item, the matter shall be immediately reported to the Lab In-Charge.

 Objective: To help the smooth conduct of exams in the Institute

7.1 Responsibility of the Principal

  1. The Principal is the in-house Chief Conductor of University Examination.
  2. To appoint Examination In-Charge (EI) in consultation with the Associate Director (Academics).
  3. To appoint Examination Committee in coordination with HODs and EI.
  4. To appoint internal Flying Squad, Supervisors and other human resources for smooth conducting of examination in the Institute in coordination with EI.
  5. To interact with University for exam related works.
  6. To head Academic and Ethics Committee during examination.
  7. To appoint internal and external examiners/moderators for paper assessment in coordination with HODs and EI

7.2 Responsibility of HOD

  1. To appoint coordinators with examination body for smooth conducting of examination.
  2. To appoint internal, external examiners and moderators for practical /oral /written examination.
  3. To monitor University practical/orals and other examination.
  4. Member of Internal Flying Squad.
  5. Any other duties the Associate Director (Academics) / Principal may assign.

7.3    Examination Committee

The Examination   committee is   an   apex   body  of  the  Institute  which  is  headed  by Examinations In-Charge (EI) and shall be facilitated by three sections: Examination, Record Maintenance and Administration. The main function of this Committee is to carry out examinations. Keeping the record of each and every issue related to the examination. 

  1. The Examination In charge (EI) is a faculty member of the Institute and is appointed for a period of three years.
  2. The   Examination   Committee   shall   function   under   the   guidance   of   the Examination In-charge (EI).
  3. The Committee shall comprise 5-6 members & for carrying out Class Tests and University Exams.
  4. The Committee shall meet at least thrice in a semester and record minutes of the same and submit a copy to the Principal.
  5. The EI shall follow the class test schedule as per the Academic Calendar.

7.4. Roles and Responsibilities of the Convener, Examination  

  1. Responsible for the due custody of the records pertaining to his/her work.
  2. Shall have administrative control over the members working under him/her.
  3. Shall conduct the Examinations (Institute and university) and therefore make all other arrangements and be responsible for the due execution of all processes connected therewith.
  4. To ensure that final   year mark sheets are issued only to such students who produce a clearance certificate from the concerned authorities.
  5. Any other duty/responsibility assigned by the Principal / Associate Director (Academics)

7.5 Class test

Class test as per University norms will be conducted as per semester schedule.

7.6 University Exams:

University exams will be conducted by the Examination Cell of the Institute supervised by EI. HoD’s has to allot the name of faculty members for the respective days of exams in advance.

7.7 Responsibility of Internal Flying Squad

  1. Making surprise visits to examination halls of RIET to ensure smooth and fair conduction of examinations.
  2. Reporting irregularities/ anomalies, if any, to the Principal.
  3. Any other assignments as given by HoD/Principal/Associate Director (Academics)

8.1 Administrative Officer (AO)

  1. The Administrative Officer shall regulate the work and conduct of the administrative staff. It shall be the duty of the Administrative Officer to assess and evaluate the performance of Non-Teaching employees and sections and take such measures as he deems fit to regularize and to improve the working of the Institute Administration.
  2. The AO shall have the power to issue warnings, reprimands, and memos to the Non-teaching Employees subject to the approval of the Principal.
  3. The AO shall be the custodian of the records, the common seal and such other property of the Institute as the Principal may commit to his charge.
  4. The AO shall keep the Minutes of all the meetings, and records of such meetings attended by him as ex-officio member-secretary.
  5. The AO shall coordinate the matters in the Institute office for the teaching and nonteaching staff with office staff.
  6.   The AO shall bring to the notice of the Principal any of the acts of the staff or the students in office matters, if prejudicial to the Institute and/or are not in the interest of the Institution/Institute.
  7. The AO shall maintain an enquiry service for students, staff and also for visitors to the Institute, regarding courses being conducted, examination and admission rules and such other allied matters of importance.
  8. The AO shall sign letters issued from the Institute office of a routine nature.
  1. The AO shall watch over the work of the Institute affiliation, staff recognition and follow procedures for appointments. He shall also watch over the Accounts, Audit assessment work of Maintenance and other Grants and keep a check on Accounts of the Institute.
  2. The AO shall look after the Examination work (Institute/University) and shall ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations and prepare the necessary work distribution chart in this connection for office staff.
  3. The AO shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are prescribed or are required from time to time by the Principal and Management.

8.2. Superintendent:

  1. The Superintendent shall be in-charge of the Institute office and shall be personally responsible for the smooth conduct and working, for the allotment of work to his subordinates who shall be directly responsible to him with the prior approval of the AO.
  2. He/ She shall convene regular meetings of the office staff and shall determine the time dimensions of each of the tasks assigned and supervise the overall working as per the prescribed norms if any.
  3. He/ She shall issue Memos and reprimands of erring employees. He/ She shall inspect the attendance register of the non-teaching staff and take such action as he may deem fit in case of habitual late comers or those who habitually remain absent, by issuing warnings in writing and recommending to the AO/Principal to take disciplinary action, in case the same employee shows no improvement.
  4. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to maintain cordial public relations and to attend to the queries of the members of the public and students and supply information through the AO/Principal to Government authorities as per requirements. It shall also be the duty to help the members of the public to solve their difficulties concerning office work, and to entertain complaints, if any, against the staff subordinate to him, in the Institute.
  5.   He/ She shall carry out the duties and responsibilities in a just manner without any discrimination and motivate his staff to take their work seriously and willingly and shall pay personal attention to their welfare.
  6.   He/ She shall be responsible for the work of a highly confidential nature that may be undertaken by his section. He/ She shall be responsible for preserving of the documents, etc. concerning his section.
  7. The Superintendent shall personally look into the court cases concerning the Institute and obtain orders/instructions from the Chairman/Principal wherever necessary. 
  8. The Superintendent shall mark and distribute letters in the name of assistants or to the Heads of the Departments in the Institute. He/ She shall exercise a check on and follow up of letters received from the Government, University, Management etc.
  9. He/ She shall draft notes and deal independently the cases which are of a routine nature. He shall also draft notes essentially with reference to relevant rules, regulations, precedence and implications etc. or special cases and submit to the higher authority i.e. AO or the Principal and give interim replies.
  10. The Superintendent shall point out mistakes or mis-statements, if any, and draw attention wherever necessary to the statutory or customary practice and point out rules where they are concerned.
  11. The Superintendent shall be responsible of examination work pertaining to the Degree Institute in the overall supervision of the AA or the Principal.
  12. Any other work assigned to the Superintendent by the Principal or Director from time to time.

8.3.   Accountant:

  1. The accountant shall inform periodically on the financial position of the Institute to the Principal of the Institute and examine and ensure that the code and financial norms are followed by the section or department as per the sanctioned budget. He/ She shall prepare and present budget estimates, with the help of Heads of Departments in the Institute. Prepare the budget and income and expenditure statements, maintain all accounts and get them audited.
  2. He/ She shall attend to all the Government scrutiny, inspections and audit.
  3. He/ She shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the financial transactions as per rules, and monitor the finances of the Institute as per directions of the AO and place before the Trust the financial position of the Institute such as its receipts, payments and balance from time to time.
  4. He/ She shall scrutinize all bills of expenditure before recommending payment, and maintain the cash-book, ledger, bank pass-books. He shall watch over the progress of the expenditure and receipt of fees in time.
  5. If there is no post of Superintendent in the Institute or if the Superintendent proceeds on leave the accountant shall carry out the duties of the Superintendent in addition to his/her own duties.
  6. The accountant shall carry out any other work entrusted to him/her by the Principal/AO from time to time.


  1. Office Assistants shall perform the duties as may be assigned to him from time to time, by the Principal, the AO or the Superintendent.
  2. He/ She shall be in charge of the unit or section and shall be responsible for its normal and smooth working. He/ She shall assist the Superintendent in the disposal of his/her duties and shall look after the day to day work in the office of which he/she is in charge as per the instructions received from the higher authorities from time to time.
  3. He/ She shall ensure and maintain proper co-ordination and follow up with the other departments or section of the Institute.
  4. He/ She shall be responsible for the smooth, efficient and effective working of the office and timely disposal of cases, letters, bills, reports, returns etc. and decide and maintain proper filing procedure. He/ She shall also ensure that the cases or letters requiring immediate and urgent disposal are dealt with immediately.
  5. He/ She shall train the members of his/her department and provide guidance to all.
  6.   He/ She shall dispose of important cases where relevant regulations are clearly applicable and forward otherwise the same to the Superintendent or the AO with clear and specific comments.
  7. He/ She shall keep exhaustive and self-contained notes of important papers passed down and facilitate their movement till final disposal and also consider the proceeding of the work.
  8.   He/ She shall exercise constant vigilance on expenditure, quantitative disposal of work, safety of the records, furniture, fittings of the Institute, regular and orderly behaviour of the staff under him.
  9.   He/ She shall attend meetings, issue notice of meetings, prepare agenda and draft minutes of the meetings and take follow up actions.
  10.   He /She shall inspect the racks and tables of assistants working under him and satisfy himself that no paper or files have been overlooked and that there are no old receipts or bills lying un-disposed off.
  11. He/ She shall submit notes or drafts for approval of the authorities through the Superintendent.
  12.   He/ She shall attend to audit queries and reply to audit report, and also submit necessary statement of accounts.
  13. He/ She shall attend to any other work assigned to him from time to time by the Higher Authorities.

8.5 Estate Manager

  1. Must be available in the campus and be on duty for 6 days/week; discharges the duties under directions of the Principal.
  2. Supervises, executes the works in all civil, electrical, gardening and cleaning according to the norms and standards.
  3. Acts as the office in-charge of the security/sanitation/public health units of the institute and exercise control over the contract workers; he must ensure compliance of the all provisions of the labour laws and/or guidelines of the regulatory authorities in respect of the workers engaged by the working contractors in the institute or workers hired through approved agencies.
  4. Inspects the buildings structures, roads, etc. under his charge as often as necessary and examine their condition from safety and maintenance point of view and take/suggest necessary action.
  5. Prepares progress reports on on-going work and report the same to the authorities of the institute on a monthly basis.
  6. Ensures the successful achievement of the targets fixed for completion of each project/works with due consideration for speed and economy of scale and/or proper maintenance of building structures, water supply channels and regular maintenance of all the electric generators and ensuring proper use of the same.
  7. Suggests the Principal in all technical matters and ensure that all works executed by him are as per the guidelines prescribed and that these works are carried out with the authorization/approval of the works committee or building committee etc. as per the prescribed procedure.
  8. Overall management of transport division of the Institute in consultation with Principal.
  9. Supervising the management of Canteen and Hostel as per the direction of Principal.
  10. Executes any other works assigned from time to time by Principal/Vice Principal.

8.6 System Manager

  1. Manages all the activities relating to the computer systems and networking.
  2. Looks after the repair and maintenance of Computer system and its networking.
  3. Prepares a schedule for providing computer service to all concerned.
  4. Arrange for availability of Internet connection wherever required.
  5. Arranges computer training /refresher courses for the staff to update their knowledge.
  6. Develops e-learning and user-friendly e-institution concept with guardian and Faculty Member.
  7. Maintains and updates the Institute website in consultation with the faculty in charge.

8.7 Physical Education Director

  1. Responsible for all the activities related to the Physical Education.
  2. Arranges a physical fitness camp for the students and staff.
  3. Responsible for procurements, maintenance of sports goods, play fields and other items related to the Physical Education.
  4. Coordinates Intra Institute and Inter Institute, Inter University and Inter State competition for different sports.

8.8 Vehicle Supervisor

  1. Responsible for arrangement of transport for students and staff from Institute to City & vice versa.
  2. Responsible for periodical maintenance of all the buses and in case of any major repair should report to the Principal/Estate Manager immediately.
  3. Responsible for a periodical check of the log books maintained by the drivers.
  4. Arranges for an agreement with Transport Company for additional buses if required.
  5. Arranges for the transport for the students and staff for any educational tour, visit for sports competitions, etc.
  6. The Drivers will be responsible for the proper maintenance/safety and timely renewal of the insurance policy of the vehicle/s. 
  7. Responsible for time management of buses.


  1. Bus facility is offered to eligible students at the discretion of the Institute management and cannot be claimed as a right by any student or parent. 
  2. All students who wish to avail the Institute bus facility should register their names with the account office on the date announced in the beginning of each academic year. 
  3. Bus pass will be issued to the eligible students only on recommendation of” Bus mangers’ in the prescribed format and after paying the full bus fees. 
  4. Transport fee for full year will be charged even if a student leaves the transport facility in between the session. 
  5. Staffs who wish to avail the Institute bus facility should register themselves with the account office. 
  6. No person shall be allowed to travel in the bus without express permission of the Institute authorities concerned in writing. Bus mangers are authorized to disallow travel by any person without proper authority. 
  7. Hostellers and day scholars without bus pass are strictly not permitted to travel in Institute bus.
  8. Two staffs’ members from each bus are designated as ‘Bus Managers’. They are responsible for overall discipline and conduct of students in the Bus. 
  9. Bus managers are expected to maintain the contact data of all passengers of their bus and that of the management authorities.
  10. In case of emergency and unexpected events Bus managers to inform management representative and or take any prudent action as the situation demands. 
  11. The Bus mangers have the authority to assign seats to students and other passengers. 
  12. Bus manager may report to the management if any trip is made without a minimum of 33% regular passengers. 
  13. Intimation regarding cancellation of a trip will be notified to the concerned ‘Bus managers’ and passengers to the extent possible. 
  14. Staffs are requested to sit in the seats allotted to them and to take care of the students. 
  15. Institute bus charge will revised periodically based on the various operating expenses. 
  16. Normally Institute buses will be available to the already existing routes on all official working days. However, trip could be adjusted if number of passengers is very less. 
  17. During the university examinations transportation facility will be available irrespective of the strength of passengers. 
  18. Passengers will be picked up and let off at designated stops only. 
  19. The time schedule and the stages of trip can’t be altered in any situation unless prior permission is secured. 
  20. Bus will not wait for any passenger. Passengers are expected to be at the designated stops/stages before time. 
  21. Getting bus pass doesn’t ensure the passengers any reserved seat. 
  22. Girl and boy students are expected to occupy separate seats in the bus. Mixed seating by students is strictly prohibited. 
  23. Passengers must be possession of valid bus pass and is required to produce it as and when asked by any staff. 
  1. Institute doesn’t encourage any form of celebrations in the bus or during the travel (birthday, send-off etc.,) 
  2. Students are expected to wait in orderly lines and allow faculty to board the bus first. In similar manner students are expected to wait for staff members to disembark first. 
  3. Students must board and leave the bus carefully and courteously without shoving and pushing. 
  4. Excessive noise (loud talking, screaming, whistling, etc.) by students is not allowed. 
  5. Harmful or dangerous articles (explosives, fireworks, matches, cigarettes, lighters, knives, etc.) are prohibited. 
  6. Students shall not write upon, disfigure or cause damage to any part of the inside or outside of the bus. Students are to take care of the bus; if not, damage will be charged to the offender, and as a minimum with loss of bus riding privileges until damage is paid. 
  7. Students shall behave in such a manner as not to jeopardize the safe operation of the bus. 
  8. The use of profane, vulgar or other unacceptable language or gestures will not be tolerated. 
  9. Eating or drinking on the bus and littering are strictly prohibited. 
  10. Any other misconduct which may distract the driver from safe operation of the bus will not be tolerated. 

8.9 Hostel Matron

  1. Responsible for allotment of rooms to the students.
  2. Responsible for maintenance of Hostel.
  3. Looks after the quality of food served in the hostels.
  4. Keeps strict discipline in incoming and outgoing of students from the hostels.
  5. Reports to the Principal/Estate Manager in case of any indiscipline or misbehaviour by the students.
  6. Looks into the grievances/complaints of the students if found genuine.
  7. Arranges for First-Aid in case of any emergency and arrange for hospitalization of student/staff.

8.10 Security Officer

The Security Officer shall discharge the duties under directions of the Estate Manager  and the Principal. The Security Officer (Sergeant) is responsible for the Security Guards and should be available on all days of the week throughout the year. 

  1. He is to check the specified numbers of guards are on duty in all the three shifts and note down the same in the Duty Register at the commencement of every shift. 
  2. At the end of each day the Security Officer (Sergeant) is to prepare a statement of daily duty and maintain a register for the same. At the end of every week Security Officer (Sergeant) has to get the statement countersigned by the Estate Manager. 
  3. In case of any emergency, the Security Officer (Sergeant) is to appear personally on the spot promptly and tackle the situation, seeking the aid of his higher officials when and where necessary. 
  4. In case of any theft/accident in the campus he is to report the same promptly to the Estate Manager.
  5. In case of any irregularity in the movement of vehicles/goods through the campus the Security Officer (Sergeant) is to immediately stop the movement and report to the Estate Officer.
  6. The Security Officer should retain a record of any robbery, burglary or larceny committed or attempted against the institution.
  7. The Security Officer should establish and maintaining satisfactory liaison with law enforcement officers at all levels.
  8. The Security Officer should control access to all buildings and properties of the institute.
  9. Acts as in charge for Gate Entry of students, teaching & non-teaching members and any other contract workers inside the campus.
  10. Monitors Material movement in and out of the premises.
  11. In charge for monitoring the persons inside the campus; verifying the ID Cards.
  12. Issues the Visitor ID and collects the required data from the visitor.
  13. Ensures the Contract labourers wear Contract badge during working hours within the campus
  14. Regulating the parking of vehicles of staff and students.

8.11 Canteen Manager

  1. To supervise the canteen staff and getting quality food
  2. Timely delivery of food stuff
  3. Supplying food to hostels in time
  4. Cleanliness of premises
  5. Supply of boiled drinking water

8.12 DRIVER 

The Driver shall discharge the duties under directions of the Principal, Vice Principal, Estate Manager and Vehicle Supervisor.  He/she shall broadly perform the following duties: 

  1. Driving of the vehicles; to keep the record of the fuel and record of mileage; to carry out minor repairs’ maintenance of the vehicles. To drive the light and heavy vehicles of the institute as per the duties allotted by the Vehicle supervisor from time to time. 
  2. Driving of light and heavy vehicles. 
  3. Dusting/cleaning the seats and the vehicles as a whole and washing the vehicles periodically. 
  4. Carrying the bags and other items of officers and guests travelling in the vehicle. 
  5. He will also be required to perform duties before and after the office hours, shift duty in the night, Sunday and other holidays, as and when assigned by the competent authority keeping in view the exigency of the work. 
  6. He will be required to perform the following duties, i.e. the movement of official dak like letters, office orders, notifications etc. within the Institute and outside the Institute, to clean tables/rack, chairs etc. and fetch drinking water etc. required by the staff; shifting furniture, books, study material, examination documents/files and other office equipment from one place to another, loading and unloading of such items from vehicles, carrying luggage/baggage of the office, to help keep files/office  record in a tidy conditions; to render assistances for all kinds of despatch work; to lock and open rooms etc. as and when assigned by the competent authority keeping in view the administrative requirements. While performing other duties, he should also come to the work place half-an-hour before the commencement of office hours and should leave the office after half-an-hour of the closure of the office or after all the officials leave the office. 
  7. Any other works assigned from time to time
  8. 5.  All other non-teaching staff:

The Principal shall assign duties as per the needs or requirements of the Institute from time to time in respect of any other non-teaching staff.


Objective: To collect, organize and disseminate print and electronic information to the academic community of the Institution, to enhance and support the research activity of the Institution and to act as Learning Resource Centre.

9.1 Timings

9.4 Rules and Regulations

  1. Members shall keep their personal  belongings  such  as  bags,  files, folders,  notebooks,  text  books,  CDs,  pen  drives  etc.  on the shelves outside before entering the library.
  2. Silence shall be observed in all areas of the library and therefore it shall not be used for group discussions.
  3. Mobile phones shall be switched off or kept on silent/vibrator mode before entering the library.
  4. Library books are not meant to be written in, either with pen or pencil nor should students fold any page or part of a page. During the rainy season, users shall take extra care to protect them from rain and mildew.

9.4.1 Borrowing:

  1. Books, periodicals, CDs, old question papers, project reports, syllabus copies etc. can be borrowed and duly returned at the issue counter.
  2. Reference Books are arranged in the Reference Section, which are not allowed for home issue.
  3. Users are requested to check books for quality before issuing getting them.

9.4.2 Lost books / Library cards:

  1. If a book is mutilated or lost, the user shall replace it with a new book or pay thrice the amount of the original price of the book along with the overdue charges if any.
  2. If a reader’s ticket is lost, the library shall be informed immediately. In genuine cases, a duplicate card may be issued on payment of Rs. 50/-.

9.4.3 Reservations:

  1. Books and other Library material can be reserved by logging. Reservations may be placed on issued items only.

9.4.4 Renewals:

1. Books and other Library material can be renewed for the original loan period provided there is no demand or reservation on the same.  No books shall be reissued without presenting them physically.



What are the objectives for the session (both for you and for the students)? 

What would you like feedback on? (e.g. use of visual aids / the white board, your voice, interaction with the students, pace, use of examples, use of new techniques etc.) 

Are there any factors which the observer needs to be aware of? (e.g. problems relating to the group or individual students, you are trying out something new etc.) 

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